Several theories have been developed to explicate motive. Still, for this survey, merely three classical theories will be considered viz. Maslows Hierarchy of demands, Herzberg 's two-factor theory and Mayo 's Hawthorne experiments.

We must emphasize that though these theories are rather old, they are still really popular in the field of actuating employees. Besides, they can be applied even in today 's existent life state of affairs. Below are the accounts about the chosen theories which have been tested by some of the earliest minds ( Kessler, 2003 ) .


1 Maslow 's Hierarchy of demands

Abraham Maslow 's theories were among the first theories about work motive. His probes were based on human behavior between 1939 and 1943. He eventually created a theoretical account known as the Hierarchy of demands dwelling of physiological, safety, belongingness and love, self-esteem and self realization demands. Figure 2.

1 illustrates the theoretical account whereby Maslow placed the physiological demands at the underside and the self realization demands at the top ( Molander, 1989 ) .

Esteem demands

Achievement, position, duty, repute


Personal growing and fulfillment

Belongingness and Love demands

Family, fondness, relationships, work group, etc.

Safety demands

Protection, security, order, jurisprudence, bounds, stableness, etc.

Biological and Physiological demands

Basic life needs - air, nutrient, drink, shelter, heat, sex, slumber, etc.

Figure 2.1 Maslow 's Hierarchy of Needs( Beginning: Alan Chapman

)Harmonizing to Maslow, the physiological demands consist of the basic human needs that sustain life itself viz. : nutrient, shelter, vesture and a good wage. After the basic needs come the safety needs which refer to security, stableness and protection ( Maslow, 1970 ) . Belongingness and love is at the 3rd degree in the hierarchy.

Through this demand, people seek to hold love and fondness from others in order to hedge a sense of solitariness and we want to be portion of a group of friends, co-workers and household. Maslow mentioned that the above procedure repetition itself and a 4th demand harvest up ; the self-esteem demands. He argued that some people desire strength, accomplishment, assurance and independency while other persons crave for repute, regard and laterality. At the top degree, Maslow designed the self-actualisation demands.

The self-actualisation needs `` mention to a adult male 's desire for self-fulfilment, viz. , to the inclination for him to go actualised in what he is potentially '' ( Maslow: 4, 1970 ) . Maslow clearly expressed it `` What a adult male can be, he must be. '' Consequently, self-actualisation demand can be referred to as the desire to go what one is capable of going.

2.2.2 Herzberg 's two-factor theory

Many theoretical accounts of human demands were created after Maslow introduced his Five-Factor theoretical account one of which is Herzberg 's Two-factor theory. Herzberg based his surveies on what factors caused satisfactions or dissatisfactions among white-collar occupations ' workers.

Ultimately, he came out with two groups of human factors ; the incentives and the hygiene factors ( Pinder, 1984 ) . Hygiene factors were perceived as necessary but non sufficient conditions for the satisfaction of workers nevertheless, their absence can do dissatisfaction. These factors are largely attached with occupation content and environmental factors embracing working conditions, wage, interpersonal dealingss and supervising. On the other manus, incentives were associated with what make workers work harder. Responsibility, accomplishment, need for promotion, growing, acknowledgment and self-actualisation were named incentives ( Herzberg, 1959 ) . Harmonizing to Herzberg, fulfilling the hygiene factors will non take to higher work public presentation but will merely forestall occupation dissatisfaction.

Conversely, fulfilling incentives would ensue in higher occupation public presentation ( Landy, 2004 ) . Nevertheless, some surveies criticised this theory while others supported it. The statement put frontward was that this theory was based on the behavior of people. To this terminal, the cogency of the theory was questioned. Yet protagonists stated that the trials were carried in the right manner.

2.2.3 Mayo 's Hawthorne Experiments

Elton Mayo ( 1880-1949 ) findings were that workers are non merely concerned with money but could be better motivated by holding their societal demands met whilst being at work. His decisions were partially in line with Herzberg position on incentives and hygiene factors.

In other words, Mayo brought to the attending that the demand for acknowledgment, security and a sense of belonging is more of import in finding workers ' morale and productiveness than physical on the job conditions. Furthermore, Mayo was in charge of certain experiments on human behavior which was carried between 1924 and 1927. This was named the Hawthorne Experiments. As a consequence, it was discovered that when people spend a big proportion of their clip at work, they must hold a sense of belonging, of being portion of a squad. Furthermore, his surveies showed that greater usage of teamwork, greater director engagement in looking after employees ' involvements every bit good as better communicating among workers and directors have positive impacts on workers ' motive.

Mayo assumed that the workplace should be a societal system which meets a worker 's attitudes and effectivity as an influence of societal factors.

2.3 Factors of Motivation

We must emphasize that factors of motive are our research inquiry. Harmonizing to Wiley ( 1997 ) , there exist several factors that have a say in motive be it grasp, wage or holding an interesting occupation. He besides affirmed that these factors which are clip dependent may alter and change between persons.

A study conducted by Sirota Survey Intelligence ( 2001-2004 ) revealed that in order to hold a motivated work force, direction must follow policies and processs that will fulfill those ends that the bulk of employees seek chiefly equity, accomplishment and chumminess. This research besides outlined that employees are rather enthusiastic when they start a new occupation but in approximately 85 % companies, employees ' morale declined after the first six months and continued to deteriorate for old ages.If an organisation can non actuate its employees, this in bend may blockade the company from utilizing its resources to the upper limit. In his article `` What motivates employees '' , Wiley ( 2004 ) states that employees at different organisational degrees may be hold diverse motivational values.

Below are twosome of motivational factors which research workers have studied.

2.3.1 Salary

Money is frequently referred to as a symbol of success ( Tang and Kim, 2002 ) .

A study from The Hay Group concluded that payment was the least of import motivational factor ( Kaye and Evans, 2003 ) . Yet, the world is really the opposite. In fact ; money is repeatedly incorporated in direction 's schemes to pull and retain employees therefore being a powerful tool to actuate workers. Gaining a good wage allows a individual to populate a nice life. Money helps fulfill many of the basic needs as identified by Maslow.

Besides, it can besides better one 's societal position.

2.3.2 Creative, Challenging and Interesting Work

Today, employees are motivated to set about originative and ambitious undertakings ( Kaye and Evans, 2003 ) and therefore actively take part in the organizational success. Even though this means fighting, employees want to be recognised, have a sense of accomplishment and see that their plants are being appreciated.

This is in line with Maslow 's ego regard and self realization demands. Furthermore, harmonizing to Herzberg 's two factor theory holding an interesting occupation is seen as a incentive factor. If the occupation is interesting, workers will doubtless be motivated to work therefore taking to occupation satisfaction.


3 Opportunity for Growth and Career Development

Dessler ( 2001 ) found out that, many people experience occupation satisfaction when they feel that their hereafter chances are good. He goes on stating that supplying chances for growing and development may be a good incentive since people like to turn in accomplishments, capableness and experience. On the other manus, even Kaye and Evans ( 2003 ) suggested that employees stick to their current on the job topographic point because of growing, larning and development chances commissariats.

2.3.4 Relationship with direction and co-workers

Worlds have the demand to experience connected ( Kaye and Evans, 2003 ) .

Consequently, making healthy relationships at the workplace and developing groups can be regarded as another factor of motive. Even Mayo pointed out that workers could be better motivated by holding their societal demands met whilst being at work.

2.4 Actions for hiking motive

It can non be argued that there exist really few simple moves that direction can follow to maintain employees ' motive high plenty and make their work on a regular basis ( Khilawala, 2010 ) .

However, what can be done is sometimes context dependent. As such, some motive schemes have discussed. For case, Khilawala ( 2010 ) goes on stating that all employees should be treated reasonably and every bit in countries such as wage, benefits and occupation security. Furthermore, there must be an effectual channel of communicating whereby every employee can experience his importance through his active engagement in the organizational success. An administration must be a spot flexible for the interest of convenience while explicating its policies for employees are human existences after all ( Khilawala, 2010 ) .Before taking any determinations, it is wise to confer with employees ' positions and at the same clip promote teamwork.

This can in turn do them more loyal towards the administration therefore increasing their motive ( Sirota, 2005 ) . Harmonizing to Sirota ( 2005 ) , the most of import thing is to supply employees with a sense of security where employees must non experience that their occupations are at hazard if their public presentation is non perfect or if they do non move as per the direction. Conversely, direction should help employees in bettering their public presentation and Churchill ( 2007 ) , a free-lance writer, suggested that direction should regularly recognize good occupations. Besides, he besides pointed out that direction must supply incentive plans such as a little gift or a item for every occupation good done because incentive plan is among the most effectual tool to better employee motive.

Too much work will pall your employees rapidly. So, do n't bury to put aside it one time in a piece ( Churchill, 2007 ) . In other words, Churchill suggested that recreational activities must be provided to press on motive.


5 Employees ' Percept

Percept is the cardinal tool in human dealingss with the forces of nature, upon which world 's endurance depends, that is, it is the ability to recognize and analyze alteration. It incorporates all senses, feelings every bit good as mental activity during human interaction with environing nature ( Romanov, 2009 ) . On the other manus, perceptual experience can be defined as 'a procedure by which persons organise and construe their centripetal feelings in order to give significance to their environment ' ( Robbins, 2004 ) . In other words, perceptual experience is simply a position from a peculiar person 's position of a state of affairs and is non needfully based on world.

2.5.1 Employees ' perceptual experience of motive

To break actuate a work force, an administration must foremost cognize the demands of the employees ( Bernard et al. 1995 ) .

To this terminal, Akintoye ( 2000 ) highlighted that people assert money as the most important motivational factor because money symbolises security, power, prestigiousness, and a feeling of achievement and success. Furthermore, harmonizing to Olajide ( 2000 ) , there exist no administration where no people feel that communicating, coaction and corporation is critical. Harmonizing to Mitchell and Lasan ( 1987 ) , occupation satisfaction is the most of import factor that impact on employees ' motive since occupation satisfaction is a consequence of employee 's perceptual experience of how good their occupation provides those things that are viewed as of import. Another research worker, Kose ( 1985 ) stated that employees ' perceptual experience about direction policy, working conditions, possibilities of publicity, deriving regard and ego development, accomplishment and the usage of endowments can besides play a function in motive of workers.

2.6 Summary of literature reappraisal

This chapter looked at the construct of motive and three theories of motive viz. : Maslow 's hierarchy of demands, Herzberg 's two factor theory and Mayo 's Hawthorne Experiments. Besides, this subdivision besides pointed out what affect motive of an employee and what is employees ' perceptual experience of motive.

Though the list is excessively long, merely four factors have been considered. At the terminal, the literature reappraisal considered what can be done to better the degree of motive among employees.