By Kenneth J. Finch
The object of this theory is to explain how the universe came to be by
using a model that is already in existence and that can be observed. As
with all theories, this is not exactly what happened, but rather a guess
based on already observed events and data.
Most scientists will agree that there are three ways that a star may die.The first is if a star is not massive enough. This often results in a cool
core almost incapable of give of light.

We know it as a white dwarf. This
usual happens to stars that are about the size of our star, the Sun.
The second is a neutron star. This occurs when a med-massive star collapse
leaving a heavy core. It emits radio waves and thus can be detected.Usually we can observe these in what are known as pulsars.

Finally, we have what occurs when a massive star collapses and the issuing
event is so great that no matter can escape thus the core of the star keeps
collapsing in on itself. This event is what most people call a black hole.This is the event that we are interested in, because it is the backbone of
this theory. Most people will agree that a formation of a solar system or
a star occurs after the destruction of another star. This usually takes
place in a cosmic nursery. However, since most of us are very familiar
with the formation of a star, we are not going to go in depth on this

However, it is very important to this theory.
Now that we have the basics, we can begin on the theory. Let us suppose at
one time the entire universe was a huge piggy bank. This piggy bank was
basically the most massive star ever conceived. We might call it the first

Now as we all know with piggy banks, we can place so many coins in
it. At some point, even though this piggy bank is huge, it will get full
it will not hold anything else. The same is true with our first star. As
huge as it was, there was only so much it fuel. Eventually, it would fuse
all of its hydrogen and helium into heavier elements.

It would get denser
and denser. However, this is where the illustration comes in. Once you
could not fill the piggy bank anymore, what do you do? Break it of course.And this is what eventually happened to the first star, it broke.

Of course you might say, "A normal person would just get another piggy
bank, and start filling it again." And you'd be correct, except we aren't
dealing with money. We are dealing with matter. So, let us equate it like
we are dealing with matter. The next step is to take all the money, and to
put into smaller, but yet still quite large piggy banks. When these are
full they are then broken again, and the contents are placed in smaller
piggy banks.

The process continues until the piggy banks comfortable
contain all the contents of the original piggy bank, or until there is
equilibrium in mass and the lack of mass.
The same way with the universe, it will keep expanding until it reaches its
equilibrium or until all galaxies, stars, planets, and other cosmic bodies
are able to comfortable hold all of the original star's mass.
This is the piggy bank theory model.
Some questions this might raise is:
- What was the original star's mass?
- If star did collapse, where are its remains?
- How does this have any bearing on the formation of galaxies?
- Where did this star come from and why did it collapse?
There may be other questions, however time, and my fingers, do not allow
the continuation of this. This theory is not entirely complete, and as was
said at the outset, this may not be correct. However, it is a guess based
on observed data.