They are linked by abroad array of electronic, wireless, and optical networking technologies.
The communications structure of the Internet consisting of hardware components and a system of software layers. The design and software architecture that characterizes the Internet and provides a foundation for its success. The responsibility for the design is left up to the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). The Internet is a globally distributed network comprising many interconnected networks.
There Is no central governing body.The Internet can be accessed almost anywhere by numerous means such as computer, phones, Pad's, tablets and more. The terms Internet and the World Wide Web are usually incorrectly used by many of its users because of the simple fact they believe the two terms have the same meaning. The World Wide Web Is a global set of documents, Images, and the other resources. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Is the main access of the World Wide Web but Its only one of the hundreds of communication protocols used on the Internet. World Wide Web browsers Include Internet Explorer, Fire Fox, Opera,Safari, and Google Chrome.
This lets the users navigate from one web page to the next through hyperlinks. The web also enabled Individuals and organizations to publish ideas and Information online. In 1973, the U. S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Initiated a research program to Investigate techniques and technologies for Interlinking packet networks of various kinds.
The objective was to develop communication protocols which would allow networked computers to communicate transparently across multiple, linked packet networks.This was called the Interpreting project and the system of networks which emerged from the research was known as the "Internet. " In recent years, Internet growth has expanded more rapidly. The original Internet was not called the Internet. It was called ARPAnet.
It had four original participating universities: the University of California at Los Angels, the University of California at Santa Barbara, the University of Utah, and the Stanford Research Institute. In today's quickly changing world, the Internet thirsts for technology and feeds on speed.It has also grown so quickly that not one person or company can possibly keep up. I believe that the Internet will continue to grow and develop for many years to come. Interconnected networks.
There is no central governing body. The Internet can be the same meaning. The World Wide Web is a global set of documents, images, and the other resources. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is the main access of the World Wide Web but its only one of the hundreds of communication protocols used on the Internet.
World Wide Web browsers include Internet Explorer, Fire Fox, Opera, ext through hyperlinks.