As Technology keeps grows so does our need for things to go faster.

Ten years ago, websites just included images, colored text and some melodies. Now flash websites, animation & high resolution pictures have been introduced and they are getting more popular for people who demand faster internet connection. The internet connection has changed and the one which everyone uses all around the world Is Wireless Internet Connection, this has been recently Introduced to increase the speed of the Internet connection. The Internet connection started with PC Modem, DSL cable, optic fiber and now everyone.An Internet service provider Is a business that offers Internet access services for both businesses and individuals. The main function of an ISP is to provide a link to the worldwide web.

Many Sips these days also host websites and offer email services. Examples of Sips are BET Internet, Sky, Virgin Media and Talk Talk. The term WWW refers to the World Wide Web or simply the Web. The World Wide Web consists of all the public Web sites connected to the Internet worldwide, including the client devices (such as computers and cell phones) that access Web content. The WWW is just one of many applications of the Internet and computer networks.

Servers and clients The Internet works on the basis that some computers act as servers. These computers offer services for other computers that are accessing or requesting Information; these are known as 'clients'. So, slating In your room at home, or at school, you are able to access the Internet because the PC you are using has a connection to a server. Your PC will have a piece of software (often Internet Explorer, but possibly Netscape or Maxilla Firebox) takes your request for Internet access and services, and then displays the results on your PC Types of connections There are many different ways to connect to the internet.As Technology keeps grows so does our need for things to go faster. Ten years ago, websites Just included images, colored text and some melodies.

Now flash websites, animation & high resolution pictures have been introduced and they are getting more popular for people who demand faster internet connection. The Internet connection has changed and the one which everyone uses all around the world Is Wireless Internet Connection, this has been recently Introduced to Increase the speed of the Internet connection. The Internet connection started with PC modem, DSL cable, optic fiber and now everyone.An internet service provider is a business that offers Internet offer email services. Examples of Sips are Sky, BET, Virgin and Talk Talk.

A protocol is a particular way of doing something. When computer scientists in America were first developing the Internet, there had to be common agreement about how computers would 'speak to each other. What has emerged is a set of protocols that everyone using the Internet must follow. Important ones are Internet Protocol (P) Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Internet Protocols establish a unique name for every computer on the Internet. This is a ten-digit or eight-digit number, for example, 216.

. 62. 133; each number separated by the point is called an 'octet'. This identifies every network, host and organization on the internet.

IP addresses let the Internet find the right route for messages, so that they get to where you want them to go (get me in touch with Yahoo! Please'). But it is Transmission Control Protocols (TCP) that takes the overall piece of data (whatever it is), breaks it down into 'packets' (units of data routed between an origin and a destination on the Internet or any other packet switched network) and checks for errors, reassembles the packets at the other end and sends anything that gets lost.The function of HTTP is to specify the way in which browsers and web servers transmit data to each other. The essence of this protocol is to establish which computer speaks first, how they then speak in turn and the format of the data they exchange, which is HTML.

Without HTTP, the Internet would be a vast network of variable networks, all struggling to speak with each other - very limited The IP addresses containing ten-digit numbers could never be remembered by people. So web servers hold lists of names made up of letters (sometimes called 'symbolic names') called domain names.Unlike IP addresses, you will probably know many domain names by heart, for example, www. Yahoo. Com, www.

Google. Com There are technologies forming computer networks. These are developing all the time. A few of the emerging network technologies include: Wi-If, Bluetooth 36 and G Phones Personal Digital Assistants (Pads) Semaphore's Networks and Wireless networks Computer networking is when two or more computers are linked together to share data and hardware or software resources.

This allows people to communicate electronically, e-businesses to function, and for employees to telecoms. Imagine a gashing net and you may picture a series of connected fine ropes forming see through squares. Each of the corners of the squares is knotted and has ropes shooting off in four different directions. Now think of these corners of the 'net' as being formed of PC's. Each PC is linked using cables/lines to form a virtual 'net'.

Some points in the net have bigger computers feeding the others. This is the basic structure of a computer 'network.These days however, some networks are wireless and therefore do not have cables Development of online presence for sales Usage of the internet to promote and sell our products is really useful for any company because some of their customers will service because they have an online website which their customers can buy any products they would in-store and it will be delivered to their home in a matter of days. Below is what the Tests website looks like, as you can see they promote their greatest bargains on the front page, so it will be the first thing the customers will see.Promotion There are several ways that a company could use promotion, things like the use of TV adverts and even ads on bill boards.

But it would be a lot more effective f a company was to use internet promotion because the use of internet is becoming more and more popular therefore more people will see this promotion. Tests always use promotion, mostly through the use of internet but they also use TV adverts to tell their customers about great deals in their store and how they save them money.Below is an example of a TV advert by Tests telling people about their great deals on petrol, this is a good technique because the I-J is in recession and the cost for petrol is rising, so a lot of people will be looking to use this deal. Customer service is very important in an organization because without the customer there can be now business. A business should always try to keep their customer's attention and stop them from running off to other competitors.

The way Tests uses the internet to offer great customer service is by using things like Tests online shopping which is when the customer can get the exact same products online and ordered to their home. Public Relations the way a company could develop a relationship with their customers is by simply respecting them and treating them well, if a customer is not satisfied with the way a company has treated them they will not feel secure to shop tit them again. The relations that a company has are not Just linked to customers, they could be linked to other organizations or shareholders interested in Tests.The way the internet comes into this is because by using modern technology there will be a lot more opportunities for these organizations to communicate with each other by using things like emails, websites etc.

Providing information The internet is a great way for anyone to find information out about anything or anyone, because of this Tests tend to put information about their product or services on the internet and on popular websites which their customers ill look at most, websites such as Youths and Backbone would be good because billions of people use these websites and therefore more people will see this information from Tests.Use of related mobile technology by business organizations For a business such as Tests it is ideal that they keep the company flowing with the current times this the business do by following the new types of technology which is being made such as social networking sites such as Backbone, Twitter and many others.Tests have revolutionized the mobile phone by making APS such as Tests value app which they sell products to the consumers through the mobile phones an organization such as Tests who have many rivals in the retail sector know that it's harder times as many business who are now opening selling food and the business knows that if they want to increase market share then they will.