Photography - Barack ObamaLast year, the U.

S Bitcoin economy has seen its highs and lows. The US Government and the Fed seem to be more likely to encourage the development of the Bitcoin Economy in 2014. Indeed, as Paypal steps closer to becoming an Exchange for Bitcoin the market price of Bitcoin has spiked in the upward direction. Everyday more U.S companies join the list of Businesses that accept digital Currency.

Bitcoin is the fastest and cheapest way to transfer fundsExciting news from the U.S companies, since accepting Bitcoin as payments, Overstockcom has reported significant revenu increases. This was really controversial because of all the uncertainty regarding the regulation of digital currencies. Patrick Byrne, the CEO of Overstock said that by accepting Bitcoin he was putting political pressure on other online retailers to accept bitcoin as well.

The Company has gotten some recent media attention for involving celebrities in its promotion. Ashton Kutcher a famous actor recently tweeted that he setup a bitcoin wallet with Ashton also advised his twitter following to create Coinbase wallets as well.Few days ago, the retailer Fancy.

com announced it is now accepting payment with Bitcoin. The "Pay with Bitcoin" allows customer to purchase all things offered on the website. The process looks friendly and simple. has not changed, just a new payment option : "pay with bitcoin".However, Bitcoin has even recently got the attention of U.

S officials, with the Silk Road case. BitcoinVOX correspondant Joey Smith predicts the Silk Road Court-case may have no residual effect on the U.S Markets. For that matter, however the Feds declared last week to be poised to sell their Silk Road Bitcoins, it did not have a real bearish effect on the Bitcoin price.

“Bitcoin is going to replace money as the main means of currency trade”Effervescence in the Silicon ValleyChris Dixon, the Silicon Valley VC, gave a report claiming that “Bitcoin is going to replace money as the main means of currency trade”. People all over the U.S have been challenging him, but he stil stands his ground on his prediction. Another Interesting thing that is happening with Silicon Valley is that many new server farms have been created by them and they began lots of mining projects.

Currently the most Bitcoin is owned in the world is in Silicon Valley.Nonetheless, many obstacles remain before Bitcoin becomes mainstream, in particular the issue of better storage and mining network control. Something tell us, tremendous innovations on these subjects will soon be released to the public.