Tendonitis is inflammation of a tendon due to repeated motion or stress on that tendon. ACTS is inflammation of the nerve that connects the forearm to the palm. Repeated or forceful bending of the wrist can cause tendonitis or ACTS of the wrist. Factor that cause these disorders include prolonged typing or mouse usage and continual shifting between a mouse and keyboard Cones 45-48).

If untreated, these disorders can lead to permanent physical damage. Computer vision syndrome (C.V.) affects eyesight.Symptoms of C.V.

are sore, tired, running, itching, or dry eyes; blurred or double vision; distance blurred vision after prolonged staring at a display device; headache or sore neck; difficulty shifting focus between a display device and documents; difficulty focusing on a screen image; color fringes or afterimages when looking away from a display device; and increased sensitivity to light. Eyestrain associated with C.V. is not thought to have serious or long-term consequences (Anderson and Dean) People who spend their workday using the computer sometimes complain of lower ace pain, muscle fatigue, and emotional fatigue.Lower back pain sometimes is cause from poor posture. It is advisable to sit properly in a chair while working and take periodic breaks.

Users also should be sure their workplace is design ergonomically. Ergonomic studies have shown that using the correct type and configuration of chair, keyboard, display device, and work surface help users work comfortably and efficiently and helps protect their health (Sanchez). Many physical health risks are associated with using technology.