This proposal also tells us how automation and computer software greatly accelerate human technological processes and advancement. In Indians higher educational system and It Is the third largest In the world,after china and united states have been the higher educational system. A software development and IT service firm implemented its catalyst in Governor Andrea Paschal College was integrated web platform to provide content management, transaction processing, marketing and interactive community functions o the two rice schools.The content management tools of the Jones school staff edits update or add to the volume of curriculum and event information without calling for technical assistance.

It simply cut and paste document Into the content management system for consisting and publish to the web In the school. The study focuses on creating computerize Inventory system for the Jones school. In exploration, we find new techniques, new knowledge, even develop new substances, gadgets, equipment, processes or procedures, imagination and skill is employed by the researcher. The commodities, new devices, services, in technology are needs of man for a better fuller life which is the concern of the research.

These useful arts are the products of the technological environment and the end-user Is society In general. The excerpt was stated by Josephine Estella in the book Fundamentals of Research (1995). Science and technology are essential for national placement and progress.The State shall give priority to research and development, invention, and their utilization, and to science and technology education according to the 1 987 Philippine Constitution (Article XIV, Section 10). Since computer power was the critical resource, efficiency of processing became the main goal.

Emphasis was placed on automating existing process such as purchasing or paying, often within single department as indicated by Jeffrey A. Hoofer on Modern System Analysis and Design (1996). A major purpose of a database system is to roved users with an abstract view of data.That is the system hides certain details of how the data are stored and maintained as stated by Abraham Silversmiths, Database System Concepts (1999). A database Is an organized collection of facts and information. An organizations database can contain facts and information on customers, employees, Inventory, competitors, sales Information and much more.