The only white person (whose amen is Mica) is clearly annoyed by the cheering and drumming of the other supporters. He asks the viewer: "Need a tip when you're stuck in an awkward situation? " He then pulls out a bucket of KEF fried chicken wings, which immediately stops the cheering of the supporters. He concludes that it is "Too easy' and proceeds to watch the game in peace, while the others are enjoying their chicken. The ad was originally exclusively aired in Australia and surrounding countries, but it has found its way on the internet. Since then, it caused a huge buzz internationally, especially in he United States.The commercial is thought of as racist, and KEF is accused of making use of an old racist stereotype by claiming that every black person loves fried chicken.

It is interesting to notice that when the commercial aired in Australia, people did not react in the same way. So why is this ad such a sensitive issue in America? Mica the Susie supporter hands out the KEF bucket to the West Indian supporters, making everyone stop cheering. Mica the Susie supporter hands out the KEF bucket to the West Indian supporters, making everyone stop cheering.The United States has had its issues with racism in the past, but they are still here in the present. During the segregation, black people were treated unequally. For example, they had to make use of other public services and were discriminated in every possible way.

One of these ways of discrimination is by stereotyping: e. G. All the Negroes love corn-bread, watermelons and fried chicken. This stereotype has been stuck within the cultural consciousness of the Americans, and every reference to it is still a risky one.The Reese in the United States spoke of a racial scandal, and a misstep of KEF. The Baltimore Sun's website asked: "How do you survive a crowd of 'awkward' black people? According to Cuff's latest advertisement, a bucket of fried chicken will do the trick.

" In that context, the advertisement is a bit ambiguous. The uncomfortable white guy is annoyed by the cheering of the blacks, so he comes up with a solution that won't fail, because every black person loves chicken. But there lies the problem: The ad is in that case, out of context.As I mentioned before, the Australian audience did not react in the same way.

The whole commercial in Australia has a different meaning, a different cultural background. Most Australian viewers understood the 'awkward situation' immediately. It did not involve skin color, but the nonconforming situation the lone Australian fan finds himself in