emade by K KuzmaAtmosphere of your home: Home should be made all that the word implies. It should be a little heaven upon earth, a place where the affections are cultivated instead of being studiously repressed.Fundamentals of true homemaking: The home should be to the children the most attractive place in the world, and the mothers presence should be its greatest attraction.

Cleanliness, neatness, and order are indispensable to the proper management of the household.Mans first home: Eden home of our first parents was prepared for them by God Himself. He gave Adam a companion. Eve was created from a rib taken from the side of Adam, signifying tat she was not to control him as the head, not to be trampled under his feet as an inferior, but to stand by his side as an equal, to be loved and protected by him.Influence of your home: The father and mother find helpers in their children, who give to others the instruction received in the home.

The neighborhood in which they live is helped, for in it they have become enriched for time and for eternity.Solemn promises: The divine love emanating from Christ never destroys human love, but includes it. By it human love is refined and purified, elevated and ennobled.A happy, successful partnership: Make Christ first and last and best in everything. And your love for Him will daily become deeper and stronger as it is submitted to the test of trial.

Mutual obligations: "Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands." "As it is fit in the Lord." We must have the Spirit of God, or we can never have harmony in the home.Where should your home be?: Be not controlled by the desire of wealth, the dictates of fashion, or the customs of society. Consider what will tend most to simplicity, purity, health and real worth.

Your family and the city: Life in the cites is false and artificial. The physical surroundings in the cities are often a peril to health. Instead of the crowded city, seek some retired situation where your children will be, so far as possible, shielded from temptation, and there train and educate them for usefulness.Building and furnishing your home: Buildings should be place on high, well-drained ground.

It is important to secure thorough ventilation and plenty of sunlight. Neatness and order are essential to comfort, but these virtues shouldnt be carried to such and extreme as to make life a period of unceasing drudgery and to render the inmates of the home miserable. But whether the home is humble or elegant, there will be no happiness within its walls unless the spirit of its inmates is in harmony with the divine will.Children, a blessing: Children are the heritage of the Lord, and we are answerable to Him for our management of His property. A childless house is a desolate place. Child caring develops character.

Care and affection for dependent children removes the roughness from our natures. Children are committed to their parents as a precious trust, which God will one day require at their hands.Fathers responsibilities: The husband and father is the head of the household. The wife looks to him for love and sympathy and for aid in the training of the children.

He is bound to his family by sacred, and holy ties. Be sure that a pure, holy atmosphere surrounds your (the mans) soul. You are to lean daily of Christ. Never, never are you to show a tyrannical spirit in the home.

Sharing the burdens: The fathers duty to his children cannot be transferred to the mother. The father should encourage and sustain the mother in her work of care by his cheerful looks and kind words. Let the father take into his home the same smiling countenance and pleasant tones with which he has all day greeted visitors and strangers.Mothers responsibilities: Woman should fill the position which God originally designed for her, as her husbands equal.

The world needs mothers who are mothers not merely in name but in every sense of the word. The mother is the queen of the home, and the children are her subjects.Amid all the activities of life the mothers most sacred duty is to her children. Let the woman realize the sacredness of her work. Let every mother feel that her moments are priceless.

The mothers influence: Her influence, united with the fathers, is as abiding as eternity. Next to God, the mothers power for good is the strongest know on earth. The child is more readily impressed by the life and example of the mother than by that of the father, for a stronger and more tender bond of union unites them. The thoughts and feelings of the mother will have a powerful influence upon the legacy she gives her child.Misconception of the mothers work: The mothers work often seems to her an unimportant service. But it is not so.

Heavenly angels watch the careworn mother, noting the burdens she carries day by day. Her name may not have been heard in the world, but it is written in the Lambs book of life.Problems of motherhood: Very many husbands and children who find nothing attractive at home, who are continually greeted by scolding and murmuring, seek comfort and amusement away from home. The wife and mother, occupied with her household cares, frequently becomes thoughtless of the little courtesies that make home pleasant to the husband and children.Care of the little children: The best food for the infant is the food that nature provides. It is a heartless thing for a mother, for the sake of convenience or social enjoyment, to seek to free herself from the tender office of nursing her little one.

Mothers first duty: God sees that with proper training the child will become a power for good in the world. Great responsibilities rest upon the mothers. Although they may not stand in national councils, they may do a great work for God and their country. Advancements that have been made in educational methods are sadly defective now days.

It is the home training that is neglected. The power of the mothers prayers cannot be too highly estimated. Children should come first. Do not send them out of the doors that you may entertain your visitors, but teach them to be quiet and respectful in the presence of visitors.

United a front:Parents are to work together as a unit. There must be no division. But many parents work at cross-purposes, and thus the children are spoiled by mismanagement, and loose respect for both their mother and father.Religion in the family: Family religion consists in bringing up the children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

Everyone in the family is to be nourished by the lessons of Christ. Religious instruction means much more than ordinary instruction. It means that you are to pray with your children, teaching them how to approach Jesus and tell Him all their wants. It means that you are to show in your life that Jesus is everything to you, and that His love makes you patient, kind, forbearing, and yet firm in commanding your children after you.

Moral standards: Many men and women who profess the religion of Christ are guilty. Even some who profess to be looking for His appearing are no more prepared for that event than Satan himself. They are not cleansing themselves from all pollution. Women are too often tempters. Be faithful to marriage vows, maintain family privacy, do not bring in another person into your problems.

Lock within your own hearts the knowledge of each others faults. Tell your troubles alone to God.Principles of family finance: Money is not necessarily a curse: it is of high value because of rightly appropriated, it can do good in the salvation of souls, in blessing others who are poorer than ourselves. The sense of being owners of their own homes would inspire them with a strong desire of improvement. Many, very many, have not so educated themselves that they can keep their expenditures within the limit of their income.

They do not learn to adapt themselves to circumstances, and they borrow and borrow again and again and become overwhelmed in debt, and consequently they become discouraged and disheartened.Instructing children about money: Parents are to bring up and educate and train their children in habits of self-control and self-denial.The rewards:A rich reward awaits faithful parents, if parents give their children the proper education, they themselves will be made happy by seeing the fruit of their careful training in the Christlike character of their children. They are doing God the highest service by presenting to the world well-ordered, well-disciplined families, who not only fear the Lord, but honor and glorify Him by their influence upon other families: and they will receive their reward.The End.