The demanding rigorous courses give me the chance to gain a more comprehensive and cogent understanding in chemistry, electron genealogy, biochemistry, sustainability and environment, water pollution control, environmental monitoring, etc, these lay a solid base of foundational knowledge for me pursue a more sophisticated and specialized research direction for my graduate studies. Once saw a remark of a prestigious professor from a renowned US university stating that: Most while Chinese students do well in the classroom, they have little sense in what going on in the real world.In Shanghai University, I had the opportunity to challenge my mastering of academic studies through putting them in real practice and joining advanced research programs. In October 2009, I joined Professor Nan's research team in Institute of Microchemistry and Nobility as the only undergraduate student.

The research looked into hydrazine as a nucleoli and antioxidant for fast analysis. The result confirmed great potentials of hydrazine in polymer- affectionate and Athol-NNE click chemistry which can be further put into use in cancer treatments.In this project, I experimented the different reaction ratio and speed under different portions of additive agents and different types and concentrations of solvents, synthesized the ionospheres and performed nuclear magnetic analysis. Working in such an important project supervised by the Ministry of Science and Technology and National Natural Science Foundation (NSF), I had the opportunity to observe and learn advanced lab technologies, analysis methods, and cutting-edge research theories. This project taught me how to precise, meticulous, persistent and open-minded.

My performance in the hydrazine project impressed senior researchers.In 201 0, I was taken as a key member in another project of NSF-?Electroplating Wastewater and Spent Pickling Liquor Co-treatment. My part is to facilitate the growth of compound ferrite crystal by introducing spend pickling liquor to electroplating wastewater with microwave hydrothermal method. In the experiments, used X-ray diffraction to analyze the diffraction spectrum and determine the composition. In combination with TCL and ICP-AES, I reached the conclusion that the ideal condition is under ICC over 50 minutes and the most economical dose of crystal seed is 8.

MGM/L. Further research into the thermodynamics, kinetics and phase equilibriums is still needed to provide effective method for comprehensive treatment for electroplating wastewater and spend pickling liquor. Participating in two of the most important projects of the university has rough me a whole new view of the Chinese environmental protection industry. It is too new to most and stumbling on the bumpy road to search for a suitable patch. Waste disposal plants are in urgent need of innovations and technology inputs.The Vast technology discrepancy between US, EX.

and China has seen wide used practice and new progresses in western countries largely uncharted territory in China. On management ground, the lack of market impetus and pollute first, treatment second ideology create a huge vacuum in guidance and policies for the industry. With the idea of utilizing the kills and knowledge in waste treatments industry, interned Eyebright Limited (Jinn), a major corporation that operates dozens of waste treatment plants in Sandhog Province. The findings were even more shocking.

In one plant with a 20 ton/day treatment capacity receives unprocessed waste water from electroplating plant, antibiotics manufacturer, textile printing and dyeing factories, and paper producer. The pollutants in the incoming water are way beyond the designed capacity. Very little microorganisms can survive long enough to cleanse the water, substandard water is released to the Yellow River everyday. While in the center lab that assumes the responsibility to analyze samples from 6 treatment plants, not only the equipments are 10 years behind, Basic trainings are also urgently required.Then would like to work in the front line operators like Eyebright to spread the knowledge, because though technologies work perfect in the lab, it is the industry which needs an urgent infusion of skills.

I would take on management training after I gain enough first hand understanding of the industry. Using the academic training, a close involvement of real industry and the management skills, I will eventually become a part of the think tank that can affect or even determine the policy making process of China. That is when can finally sleep better without the hunting voice of the little polar bear and the picture of Danish Lake.