The plants on a particular row can be expected to have identical environmental conditions, I. E.

, sunlight, water, etc. Each row is divided into four segments. The four fertilizers are randomly assigned to the four segments of each row. Table 2. 1 : Randomized complete block design set up for rice fertilizer example.

Segment 2 3 4 Row 1 ROW 2 ROW 3 Row 4 One plant from each row/segment combination is chosen. The response of interest is the length of the fruiting period, measured in days.The four fertilizers constitute the fixed factor. The row is the random block since the rows represent all other rows.

. 1. 2. Model The model used for a randomized complete block design is where is the true overall mean, is the true fixed effect of the tit treatment of the fixed factor, is the true random effect of the Jet block, and is the true error for each individual of the Jet block receiving the tit treatment. In SPAS, the last effect is constrained to be zero to be used as a baseline for the other effects.

The alternative hypothesis is that at least 1 pair of the are not equal. We could test: . However, this factor is not important other than reducing the overall variability. The F ratio and significance value for testing are 17. 8 and .

000. Thus, we will reject the null hypothesis and say that there are differences in the Fertilizers. The appraise comparisons indicate that all of the populations unequal. The best estimates of and are . 2907 and 1.

403; where as the true values were . 25 and 1. 2. 1.

5 Simulation Using the RCA. As file, you can increase the number of blocks and see what effect that has on your estimates of and . Then increase the number of treatments and see what effect that has. Keeping the number of blocks and treatments at the original level, change the variance of and to 1 and 3 and see what effect occurs.

Try different ambitions. 2. 1. 6 Matrix Notation In this example, the matrix notation is: where: length x z and the Variance of (CB) is: Now and since this is a symmetric matrix we will give the lower triangle part of that matrix.Given the V(Y) below, we see that In other words, Yes in the same block are correlated. Thus V(Y) 2.

2 Randomized Complete Block Design with Subliming 2. 2. 1 Examples Subliming in the randomized complete block design occurs when there is more than one individual in each treatment/block combination. Examples of Randomized Complete Block Design with Subliming Internet Advertising An internet advertising company wishes to compare worldwide internet usage time for four age groups: < 20 years, 20-40 years, 40-60 years, and > 60 years.There only other easily selected information about the individuals surveyed is the country of use. The company selects five countries that they expect will represent most other countries well.

A question about internet usage time is sent to twenty individuals within each age category of each country. The average daily internet usage time of each individual is the response. The factor of interest is age. Since the only age levels f interest are the four age groups considered, this factor is fixed.

Additional variation is removed by considering country of use.This is the blocking effect. Because the five countries represent all countries, it is a random blocking effect. Individuals within each age/country combination are assumed to be homogeneous. The result is a randomized complete block design with subliming since there are 20 individuals in each age/country combination.

Rice fertilizer Consider the rice fertilizer example of Section 2. 1. 1 . Suppose that instead of sampling a single plant from each fertilizer/row segment, three plants are sampled room each segment. The three samples in each segment are subleases. .

2. 2. Model The model used for a randomized complete block design with subleases is fixed factor, is the true random effect of the Jet block, is the random effect of each treatment/block combination, and is the true error for the kith individual of the Jet block receiving the tit treatment. Again, we assume that is constrained to be zero.

2. 2. 3 Example Data Set If we sample three plants from each segment in the rice fertilizer example, the simulated results are as follows (measurements are lengths of fruiting period in says).