Michael Aguila Prof. Leblanc SPC 21 October 2012 Organ Donation Topic: Organ Donation General Purpose: To educate the class on the importance of organ donations. Specific Purpose: To persuade the class to not let their organs go to waste. Thesis Statement: Donating your organs allows a life to be prolonged. It also allows scientific studies to prevent future occurrences or finding a cure for a disease. Organizational Pattern: Monroe’s Motivational Sequence Visual Aids: Power-Point Presentation. Introduction I.
Attention-getter: (wow factor) The problem with organ donations is that you do not know how important it is until it happens to family, friends or yourself. The issue is it is not taken seriously, when all it takes is a trip to the DMV. It may be that no one in the room has had a family member that needed an organ, but maybe there is. Why does everyone want health insurance? It is to help your chances of survival and of course your pocket ($). Why not donate your organs and help save a life? It may be you that needs an organ one day! A. II. Credibility Statement: (why are you qualified to speak on this topic? I researched several sources on the importance of organ donation. I also have a friend that donated his bone marrow in order to save his sister’s life. In my research I also read situations where people have died due to not having an organ donor. III. Preview: The discussion of organ donation can seem to be a touchy subject, but the truth is anyone in this room may need an organ donation at any moment. What if on your way home today you get in an accident which is almost fatal, but you need a heart transplant to live. In the opposite prospective, you may be brain dead and your organs can save a child that was born with 1 bad kidney.
You can save that child’s life. Then we also have organs that are bad, but can be studied to find a cure or to better understand the reason why the problem may occur. << Transition The importance of organ donations. >> Body I. Main Point 1 The importance of organ donation. A. Organ donation is important everywhere, but is only possible because people have to be willing to do so. 1. “Enough people to populate a small city — over 100,000 — are waiting for an organ donation in the United States. ” (Mayo Clinic Staff). http://www. mayoclinic. com/health/organ-donation/FL00077 2. The ultimate act of human kindness. ” (Dr. Moritsugu, previous surgeon general of the United States) http://www. nytimes. com/2007/08/28/health/28brod. html? _r=0 3. “Joshua Abbott was a lung transplant recipient who championed the cause of organ and tissue donation. To the legislature, he became the face of all those needing transplants. Josh became an organ transplant recipient at age 29 and an organ donor at age 30. He died in 2006, 11 months after receiving a double lung transplant due to complications from an illness. ” (N. A. , 2009) http://www. donatelifeflorida. rg/content/joshua_abbott/? selected=5 A. The problems in acquiring organs for donations. 4. “Enough people to populate a small city — over 100,000 — are waiting for an organ donation in the United States. ” (Mayo Clinic Staff). http://www. mayoclinic. com/health/organ-donation/FL00077 2. “The parents of Laurie McLendon, 42, chose to donate when their daughter suffered cardiac arrest at New York-Presbyterian Hospital. Two women received her kidneys, a burn unit received skin, her corneas went to an eye bank, and her liver was transplanted into a 61-year-old pediatric oncologist, Dr.
Michael Harris of Englewood, N. J. , who had contracted hepatitis C years earlier while caring for a patient. ” (N. A. , 2007) 3. “People typically wait three to five years for donated organs, and each day 17 of them die. ” (N. A. , 2007) 4. “An estimated two in three Americans have not indicated their wishes about donation. ” (Dr. Syed) http://www. irfi. org/articles/articles_101_150/organ_donation_problems. htm B. How to donate your organs. 1. You can let your immediate family know what you want done with your organs or have it written in a will. 2.
Every state allows you to register to have your organs donated. Florida you can sign up via your DMV (online or in person) * << Transition Donating your organs can be done while you are living. >> * II. Main Point 2: Donating organs while you are alive. C. How can you donate organs while you are alive? 5. “Living organ donation has become a common source of organs for those in need of organ transplantation, usually a kidney, bone marrow, and sometimes the portion of a liver.
Less common is donation of a portion of a lung or small intestine. There are thousands of living donations in the US and around the world every year. ” (2012 International Association of Living Organ Donors, Inc). http://www. livingdonorsonline. org/general. htm 6. “Donors are often a close relative but may also be individuals who are not related but have an established emotional relationship with the recipient such as a partner or close friend. ” (N. A. , 2012) https://www. organdonation. nhs. uk/ukt/how_to_become_a_donor/questions/answers/answers_5. asp 7.
Part of a liver can be transplanted and it may also be possible to donate a segment of a lung and, in a very small number of cases, part of the small bowel. D. What is the risk of donating organs while you are still alive? 1. “Living donation is major surgery. All complications of major surgery apply. ” (© 2012 Transplant Living. A service of the United Network for Organ Sharing, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. ) http://www. transplantliving. org/living-donation/being-a-living-donor/risks/ 2. “My friend Joshua donated some his bone marrow to his sister who had leukemia and is living today because of his act of kindness.
He could have been paralyzed if the procedure had gotten wrong with the anesthesia, but is a low risk procedure. ” 3. The Liver, Kidney, Lung Pancrease, and Intestinecan cause longterm effect on the body. (United Network for Organ Sharing. 2011). http://www. transplantliving. org/living-donation/being-a-living-donor/risks/ << Transition: Organ donation can help scientifically. >> III. Main Point 3: Organ donations help scientific studies advance and can prolong life. E. Donating your body and organs to science 8. “One out of every 10 Americans is affected by liver disease.
Liver disease is one of the top 10 causes of death in the United States. The liver supports almost every organ in the body and is vital for survival. Because of its location and many functions, the liver is prone to many diseases. There are over 100 liver diseases. The liver is necessary for survival; currently there is no way for the body to compensate for the absence of a functioning liver in the long term, although liver dialysis techniques can be used in the short term. The liver does have a great capacity to regenerate and has a large reserve capacity.
In most cases, the liver only produces symptoms after extensive damage. ” (N. A. , 2012) http://www. sciencecare. com/blog 9. “Medical schools have an ongoing need of bodies for teaching and research. The need may be especially urgent at osteopathic and chiropractic schools. ” (N. A. , 2012) http://www. funerals. org/frequently-asked-questions/69-body-and-organ-donation-a-gift-to-science 10. Your body donation could help students learn to save lives or help researchers understand how different organs function so they can find cures and improve procedures. (N. A. , 2012) http://www. ehow. om/info_8005106_pros-cons-organ-body-donation. html F. Donating your body to science can save your family money. 11. “A basic burial averages close to $6,600 in the United States. Many people worry about the financial burden this places on their families. ” (Freedman 2012) http://www. getrichslowly. org/blog/2012/01/30/how-to-donate-your-body-to-science/ Conclusion I. Review/Summary of Main Points: In conclusion, donating your organs can help in many ways. So get out there and make a difference by donating your organs. Not only can you save someone’s life, but someone may save yours one day. Works Cited
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