Mark Elliot Zuckerberg who is the leader in the social network (Facebook), a site founded in the 21st century was born on 14th May 1984 in New York. His family was well informed as well as wealthy. Edward, father, was a dentist who operated around home while Karen (mother) was a psychiatrist. He had four siblings. Zuckerberg got curiosity in computers at a tender age.

By use of Atari BASIC he created a messaging program by the name ‘zucknet’. This was used by His father in his dental administrative center, in order that the receptionist would possibly notify him of a latest patient devoid of shouting athwart the area. This program was also used by the family for communication in the house. This was not all he also created computer games for luxury in conjunction with his comrades.

(Qualman, 2011) He studied in Phillips Exeter Academy a preparatory school in New Hampshire. Showing his various talents he became the captain of the school’s team and excelled well in literature (secured a diploma in classics). However, his interest in computers was still there and sustained to labor on mounting new programs. In high school, he fashioned a music software Pandora by the name ‘synapse’. This made him an icon to reckon by several companies for instance Microsoft. After graduating from Exeter he enrolled at Harvard University.

He was well recognized for his ability to develop new software in campus. It was during that time that he put together a program named ‘CourseMach’, this aided students in choosing their classes as on the basis of. He also came up with Facemash, which contrasted the pictures of two people so as to come up with the hottest. It was during his schooling in Harvard that Zuckerberg develop the most popular and rapid growing site, facebook, that allows people to come up with individual profiles, upload photos as well as communicate with their friends and family members. The site, with over 250 million people, has made him to be recognized as the American’s youngest multi billionaire as well as CEO to the most visited site across the globe. Breakthrough of this site called for dropping out of the university so as to give it more time.

Assurgency: Mark Zuckerberg was ambitious; he had a dream of a multi billion project. However, he started from a very humble beginning, working tirelessly in his school dormitory. He did not have billions of money to start the project but had little capital which with the aid of a positive attitude enabled him to rise to greater heights. He had a lot of challenges along the way, discouragement, humiliation among others were the order of the day. But driven by his dream he was able to make billions from petty cash. He was not ashamed of his dream.

(Perdew, 2006) Agreeableness: though principled Zuckerberg was a character who was ready to exploit his talents for the benefit of others. Once requested by his fellow colleagues to aid in construction of a networking site, he was available and offfered his best. He also accepted his parents as well as companies that had no ill motives to use his programs. This was very vital as he was able to share ideas with other people and this way his talents were nurtured.

Adjustment: the success of Zuckerberg is attributed to the fact that he was not contented with the small programs or software that he came up with, he was eager to try other mysteries out. His breakthrough is attributed to his early interests in computers. He longed for modification for the better, for instance, when he created Zucknet he did not stop there. He went ahead to develop more (facemash, wirehog, synapse, coursematch) until he came to develop the most popular social site (facebook). However, this is not enough facebook is modified every now and then to incorporate more features.

He is a leader who endorsed adjustments. (Weber, 2004)Conscientiousness: though determined to achieve, he was conscience of everything that happened around him. He knew that many people were jealousy of him since he was a young man and therefore he had to make his stance firm. This was achieved by the fact that he was aware of his goals. As a business person the issue was money; however, he knew that if he followed the desire for money he would not attain his goal, for instance, due to his skill in computer and software management, many companies such as Microsoft and yahoo approached him. Their aim was to buy his ideas and develop them as their own.

But due to his sharp conscience he overcame. (Fullan, 2011)