Today information is easily accessed thanks to the internet. Meanwhile, online courses are accessible to the students who are unable to attend traditional educational buildings because of health or other complications. It is a convenient way to study.

Increase the popularity of distance learning With development of such inventions like the internet, the popularity with educational technology is growing every day. Nowadays it is one of the most preferred methods of learning. Traditional lessons have been supplemented by virtual ones.Online classes include transferring files, chat rooms and even board of regress to follow the students' success. Another benefit is that students can maintain a flexible schedule that is convenient for them (anytime, anywhere learning). It helps to combine distance education and work.

Increase the popularity of distance learning learning). It helps to combine distance education and work. Going the Distance Hectic work schedules, family responsibilities, and commuting challenges no longer have to keep people from seeking a college degree.In 2012, a US News and World Report survey showed that roughly 62 percent of colleges offer online degree programs. Participants in a 2012 Ball State University study stated that flexible scheduling, affordability, and the ability to work at their own pace were key to their decision to take online courses.

Internet classes don't Just benefit college students, though. Many colleges, such as Liberty University, offer online programs to prepare high choler's for advanced university work. The e-Learning Foundation says that children without access to a computer in the evening are being increasingly disadvantaged in the classroom.Research suggests that 1. 2 million teenagers log on to revision pages every week and those using online sources were on average likely to attain a grade higher in exams. A million children's exam results will be on average a grade lower than their peers this year because they do not have internet access at home, according to a leading charity.

The e-Learning Foundation says that children without access to a computer in the evening are being increasingly disadvantaged in the classroom. Research suggests that 1. Million teenagers log on to revision pages every week and those using online resources were on average likely to attain a grade higher in exams. The charity cites BBC research in which more than 100 students used the BBC Bites vision materials before their GEESE examination. The children were found to have achieved a grade lift compared to those who did not use the online revision guides. The BBC study says: "This is compared to factors such as teacher influence, which was found to produce no significant difference.

However, experts claim the Department for Education is now neglecting its duty to increase computer ownership among the most disadvantaged. The coalition government cut the Home Access scheme set up by Labor three years ago, which helped low-income families to buy a laptop computer. And the British Educational Communications and Technology Agency, which had responsibility for encouraging the use of technology in learning, was abolished in the Conservative-led government's so-called "bonfire of the guanos" earlier this year.Meanwhile a study by Bess, the trade association for the educational supply industry, revealed that, due to budgetary pressures, schools plan to spend around 8% less on the provision of computers to pupils this year. Critics claim this will negatively affect after-school IT sessions, vital to those without the internet at home.

Only 60% of the 246 primary schools and 188 secondary schools surveyed said they were able to maintain their current spending. Yet nearly a third of schools will make extensive use of home access to the curriculum through the internet.Advertisement The e-Learning Foundation said it feared the gap between rich and poor pupils' performance would widen unless more was done to ensure that every child can use a computer at home. The charity's previous studies show the poorest families were two-and-a-half times less likely to have an internet connection at home than the richest ones.

Valerie Thompson, chief executive of the e-Learning Foundation, said: "Without home access to the internet many pupils struggle to complete their homework and coursework and, at this time of year, miss out on the benefits of online revision sites.The digital divide is having a truly damaging impact on children's prospects and causing the most disadvantaged to fall further behind. "We know that online revision sites can help young people to get the best possible results. But we have to tackle the digital divide so that all young people can benefit from the opportunities that online learning has to offer. Young people's access to the internet at home and in school has been growing in recent years and even seven years ago the I-J Children Go Online study, which investigated 9 to 19-year-olds' uses of the internet, found that most children use it daily or weekly.

The study also found that, among the daily or weekly users, 90% of the children surveyed use the internet for homework. The e-Learning Foundation claims that access has still not been broadened to the poorest households and that this had a significant impact on levels of attainment during exams. Last night the former Labor schools minister, Lord Knight, said the government appeared to be losing the battle to bridge the "digital divide". He said: "We had a scheme where people on tax credits could apply for a pre-charged visa card which could be used in a number of high street stores to buy a laptop.

As a result 500,000 low-income families buy a computer. It delivered for a lot of kids and the government is continuing to fund it for children with special educational needs but not for everyone. "People may think it is a luxury and times are hard, but the times are changing and the next generation need to know how to use the latest technology. Http://www.

Disheartening. Com/education/2011 /may/21 [children-internet-access-exam- advantage Sal Khan created his online teaching series, the Khan Academy, to be a resource to anyone searching for quality education.The Harvard educated Khan, began uploading videos ranging in topics from statistics to American history. In an attempt to chart this phenomenon -? known as massive open online courses -? The Chronicle, attempted to reach every professor who has taught a MOOCH (massive open online class). The online questionnaire was sent to 184 professors in late February, and 103 of them responded.

Like the Khan Academy, which I have used for its quick video explanations to supplement in-class texts, various online teaching resources have sprouted.Probably the one that drew the most popularity were the classes taught by Stanford University professors. The free online courses drew thousands of students with the only stipulation being having access to the Internet. The trend doesn't look like it will stop anytime soon.

Last year, Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology announced TEX. "Online education is not an enemy of residential education," said Susan Hocked, president of MIT about TEX. As a student concentrating on education policy, it seems that Mooch are the wave of the future.The income gap in America has long been attributed to differences in education levels. People with higher educations typically earn more and are typically wealthier to begin with. The online courses make being taught college course information attainable for anyone, which, in turn, will increase the amount of educated people in the world.

However, the one problem with Mooch is that students "enrolled" in these courses do not take entrance exams and do not apply. In fact, it is rare that they even meet their professors in-person.According to the article, "most professors who responded to The Chronicle's survey said they believed that Mooch would drive down the cost of college; 85 percent said the free courses would make traditional degrees at least marginally less expensive, and half of that group said it would lower the cost "significantly. " As far as awarding formal credit is concerned, most professors do not think their Mooch are ready for prime time.

Asked if students who succeed in their Mooch deserve to get course credit from their home institutions, 72% said no.