Human resources is the most important resource to develop a company, there are many article of this subject release each years. In 2011, as the result from a study of 1228 employees, the article "The relationship between employee benefit management and employee retention" written by Hiroshige Hampton who works in Momma Gauguin University, Japan, analyzed clearly this issue.The author showed a certainly relation between employee benefit management and the employee retention in the condition of family-friendly policies and the difference in gender.

In this essay I will analyze the main points of the article. In the introduction, the author gave us a general definition of the terms "retention" which mean "holding, maintaining, continuation and preventing from leaving". The author also showed us the consequences of an organization's failure to retain the high-performing employees, I. E. Estimation will lead to wasting money in spending on hiring, personnel reshuffling, education/training of other employees, and also lead to decreased production, the damage is not only in a short-term but also in long term.

Retention employee is important as training and developing employee. Therefore, develop a strong human resources and prevent well-training, experience employees from registration is the requirement to develop a company. In order to keep employee retention many company apply a working style which call "family-friendly'.In general, this style satisfies the need of employees which can help them balance their career and private life. This policy takes care of the employee in both physical and mental health. Closely tied to such recent trends in organizational unman resource management is the concept of employee benefit management.

Employee benefits include various measures offered by organizations to their employees and their families for improving employee welfare include statutory such as insurance schemes for health, pension plans, employment, and workmen's accident compensation.The employee also can gain no statutory welfare systems gifts for celebrations and condolences, recreational facilities, subsidies for home ownership, and recreational activities. During the long recession after the crash of Japan's economic bubble, Employee benefits offered by Japanese organizations decreased steadily, however in the recent years it is recovering (information from the survey of Japan Business Federation. ) It is clearly that improving employee welfare takes an important place in the policy of Japan.What is the relation between employee retention and employee benefits? Through data in the article, it showed that experienced staff tend to stay with the company wanly can prove more Detentes Tort teen.

Analyzing ten employee Dental management and, in particular, the retention effects of family-friendly practices, here is a hypothesis: "The introduction of employee benefit management and improved Job attitude are intermediary factors in the relationship between family- friendly policies and retention.Additionally, we examined gender differences in the aforementioned relationships. " There are 3 valid reasons for this hypothesis: -Firstly, this hypothesis base on human resource policy model (Monarchism 1996, cited from H. Hampton 2011 article) in strategic human resource management.

-Secondly, it is based on a multi-step process model of retention, in which Job attitudes, such as Job satisfaction and organizational commitment factors, are thought to exist between human resource management and retention.Many prior studies have shown a better fit of this multi-step process model than a model that proposes that human resource management directly affects retention (Gamesman and White 1996; Paul and Anathemas 2003; Hampton 2008, citied from H. Hampton 2011 article). -Thirdly and the last one is the gap gender. It is clearly that male and female differ greatly in physical and mental health.

It was also found that there were ewer employee benefit practices currently introduced and available to women.Some Limitations of the study: - First, this study was limited to full-time employees working in Japan, which likely prevents the generalization of the study findings. - Second, this study analyzed only the data obtained from personal surveys. It will be better if we can also get survey from the organizations.

- Third, this study was based on a cross-sectional data at one point in time. -Fourth, this study did not consider Job performance. In conclusion, this study gave us general information about the relationship between employee retention and employee benefit management.The article focus on analyze the effect of "family-friendly' working style which bring many benefits for the employees as well as the organizations. Some data about the gap gender was also analyzed in the article.

However the article still has some limitations which were mentioned above. The survey is only in Japan, so the data may not right when apply to other countries. Biography: H. Hampton. (2011, May 24).

The relationship between employee benefit management and employee retention. The international Journal of human resource management .