India is a vibrant amalgamation of varied ethnic groups, climate, cultures, regions and traditions. As such, many people visiting the country for the first time find it uniquely different. You will find many conservatively dressed Indian women flocking the temple entrance. There are millions of illiterates in the Indian subcontinent; there are also those who are the driving force behind the booming IT industry in India. Perhaps, the one thing that is going to take you by surprise and also deeply touch you on your India tour is the warm hospitality of Indians.

A ready smile on the face, always willing to go out of the way to help somebody, exuding genuine happiness upon meeting a person - these are some of the common traits you will find in maximum Indians. The Sanskrit adage, "Atithi Devo Bhava," meaning the guest is truly your god dictates the respect granted to guests in India. So it's understandable why the tourists visiting India want to come back again & again. Values can be defined as certain attitudes and beliefs that a person follows in his conduct.The 'Indian Family Value System' - what is it and how does it influence individuals.

In the Indian culture, there are certain rules and regulations that each and every child is taught right from his childhood. Examples of Indian family values are - a young person should always touch the feet of his elders; he should never speak in a high or rude tone to those who are older to him; he should always give respect to elders, he should respect women; he should always speak truth and try to engage in non-violent behavior; and so on.Most of the values that the parents impart to their children in India, as a part of the family value system, are similar in nature. Most of the values that the Indian parents believe in imparting to their children do not appeal to the outside world. But then, it is these beliefs that make India the wonderful country that it is today. The moment you step into India, in all probability, the first word you will get to hear will be Namaste!Namaste, also said as Namaskar by the natives, is a traditional Indian style of greeting or parting phrase as well as a gesture.

Derived from the Sanskrit language, the literal definition/meaning of the word Namaste is "I bow to you". If you want to dig deeper to know what does Namaste mean, you can it break up into two Sanskrit words - Namas (meaning - to bow) and Te (meaning - to you). Thus, its real connotation is 'I bow to you out of respect'.