The topic I have chosen to argue about is whether the death penalty id a good thing or bad thing to bring back to Britain, Throughout the Assessment I will be mostly focusing on the question on whether the death penalty should be brought back. To start off the essay will on the history of Capital Punishment and why the death penalty was stopped in the first place, after it will show the wrongly convicted people of having the death penalty punishment and how it can effect on society.After that I will be describing the advantages and disadvantages of having the death penalty back and to conclude I will give you my opinion on my views of the death penalty. Hanging was a tradition form of Capital Punishment in Britain but others like be-heading was a favored in the seventeenth century but stopped be-heading in 1747 after a Scot called Simon Frazer was be-headed for war crimes against Prince Charles.Capital Punishment has advanced through the years with technology and many laws have been made to soften it so less crimes which fell in to the death penalty trial such as; Hanging for forgery was abolished in 1836, no-one under the age of sixteen was put to trial or death after 1908, hanging was stopped in 1868 and the USA used the electric chair which was nether used in Britain. The last woman to be executed was Ruth Ellis for murdering her husband David but after the when she was put to death there was a lot of controversy, People believe that Ruth shot him because of the abuse he gave her and David made her have a miscarriage.

This caused people to start to shout out about the ban of the death penalty. Movies were made to show how horrible the death penalty was one was called “Yield to the night” and a really wealthy woman named Violet Van Der Elsi wrote a book of anti-death penalty called “On the Gallows”. After tones of protests and out cries, the country had a debate on whether the death penalty should stay or go. The Debate was won against the death penalty being kept Britain.The Home Secretary signed the sixth protocol of the European Convention of Human Rights and ended the death penalty.

There are many reasons people believe of having the death penalty back. One is that many say that the Prisons are getting crowded but you just cannot go to the jail and take people out who have not made a bid crime and execute them it is against Human rights they answer back saying that I could save money and space instead of keeping big murderers in jail.Another is reason why it should be back is that many people see it as a major deterrent by stopping crimes happening because the criminals but people say it could be away for others who have giving up in life can see it as a way out by killing someone, and by admitting they done it and getting what they want and getting executed. They are bad points about any good points made; people should die if they have murdered someone, it is not painful, it does act as a deterrent and it gives a better punishment to those who committed an awful crime.There are also arguments against having the death penalty back. Criminals or people will find it as way out of life like I wrote before and also people claim it is cruel and shows that killing is an okay thing to do.

The thing that most people fear from is being wrongly convicted and being put to death like Derek Bentley who was wrongly convicted for telling his sixteen year old friend Chris apparently telling him to kill a police man he said “let him have it Chris”. He and the people who supported his case denied that he meant to say to Chris who has difficulties to give the police man the gun.There was a movie made about the case and event called “let him Ave it, Chris”. Many people who were religious say Capital punishment was a sign of evil, cruelty and no-one deserves to be put to death. When something changes in our life time it does make a difference in our lives, the death penalty will change our way of living; criminals will need to be smart and think twice.

I personally think that if someone should be convicted for any crime to be put to death, the crime should for murders, abuse and for any rapes to harm another person for life.I believe that the death penalty should be back but not used a lot or limited so Britain can lower any wrongly convicted and get the proper punishment for murderers who have killed. The death penalty is a cruel ting I agree with that but not for murders they deserve it no questions needed even though the victim of any murder could of had an even horrible death than the murderer who could be convicted of murder. This will act as a major deterrent, it will stop criminals killing to get a better life in jail than their life.