Were you ever curious how hairstyling ,beauty, and hair coloring ever came about? Who, back in the day would have ever come up with the idea of changing ones hair style, let alone color of the hair? Well studies reveal that haircutting and hairstyling were practiced in some form as early as the glacial age. They used simple but effective implements like sharpened flints, oyster shells, or bone. Animal sinew of hide were used to tie hair back, or as a adornment.

Your probably thinking the same thing I did. "yuck! UT that's all they had to use in those days long ago. The Egyptians were the first to cultivate beauty in a extravagant fashion, and became well-versed in the art of makeup and hairdressing. The ancient Egyptians also were the first to use cosmetics as part of their personal beautification habits, and in religious ceremonies when preparing the deceased for burial.

Ancient records show that coloring matter was made from berries, the bark of trees, minerals, insects, nuts, herbs, leaves and other materials that were used on the skin, hair, and nails.Even Hough eye paint was the most popular of all cosmetics, henna (a dye extracted from the leaves of an ornamental shrub) was used to impart a reddish tint to the hair that is still used to this day. The first recorded use of henna as a coloring agent was in 1500 B. C.

Excavations from Egyptian tombs also have revealed combs, brushes, mirrors, and razors made of tempered copper and bronze. Hairdressing was an art for the Egyptians who liked to wear elaborate hairdo's and cosmetics, as well as wigs.Egyptian women, and the Roman women were known to apply a mixture of soil and eater to their hair. They then wrapped their hair on wooden made rollers to bake in the sun, creating a temporary wave. The first evidence of nail care recorded in history was prior to 3,000 B. C.

In Egypt and China. Ancient Egyptian men and women of high social rank stained their nails with red-orange henna. The color of a person's nail was a sign of rank. Kings and queens wore deep red, while people of lower society wore only pale colors.

Beauty and grooming took on great symbolic significance in many cultures. Military commanders in Egypt, Babylon, and early Rome would spend many ours before a battle, having their hair curled, and their nails painted the same shade as their lips. Weird, but interesting. During the golden Age of Greece (BIBB.

C), hairstyling became a highly developed art. Hairstyling services were introduced in Rome around 300 B. C. Women used hair-color to indicate their class in society.

Noblewomen tinted their hair red, middle class women colored their hair blonde, and poor women colored it black.Hairstyling and barbering continued to grow in importance, and eventually became identified with the world of medicine. During the medieval times, cosmetology and medicine were taught as combined subjects in English universities. When Pope Alexander Ill forbade the clergy to shed blood, barbers were enlisted to assist monks and priests during surgery.

They regularly performed bloodletting and minor surgery, administered herbs, and later pulled teeth. In fact, for centuries, dentistry was performed only by barbers for more than a thousand years, they were known as barber-surgeons.Wow now things nave change aromatically. Now let's go enema to ten Renaissance times, here emphasis was placed on physical appearance. The hair was done carefully with ornaments, and headdresses were worn. Around this time, in 1450, a law was enacted that separated the practices of barbering and surgery.

They could no longer perform surgery, and surgeons were forbidden to act as barbers. Now the 19th century an era by research and innovation, that saw many changes in the field of hair care. In 1875, a Frenchman named Marcel Greater developed the technique of using irons for waving and curling the hair.This developed into the art of thermal waving, till known today as Marcel waving. In 1890, the first hairdressing academy was opened in Chicago by Bristol and Federated.

And finally, in the 20th century, hairstyling began to follow trends, and soon became available to all classes of people who could choose their styles based on their needs and desires. So their you go, there is all need to know about the early history of hairstyling! And I'm sure we'll be in the history books some day about all the new, trendy styles we perform today in many salons and spas around the world