Title: Diwal Catch Monitoring System for the German Development Services Description: The Diwal Catch Monitoring System is a system designed to monitor and give decisions to local government units tasked to regulate catching of diwal. The German development services currently use a manual system in data collection and organization and it takes a lot of time and consumes resources.Their manual system uses a pen and a paper which serves as a form where data is written. They use this forms daily in monitoring diwal fishing activities.
Every month they send the processed forms here in Bacolod City where their office is located. The more the paper works the more space it consumes in the office, the more space consumed, more Jobs will be done. The Diwal Catch Monitoring System's data can be viewed online upon encoding the data to the system.Because of that feature, data or information from a specific site can now be viewed and compared to data from ifferent locations without the need of traveling to that specific location. Only registered users can view the data. Every time the fisherman goes to the sea to catch or harvest diwals, they are required to go to an area specified upon their registration in their LGlJ's in order to collect data required for preservation and management of diwals.
The system has a decision making capability.For example if more than one isherman has a catch size ranging from 2-3cm which 5cm is the limit, in this situation the system will notify and prompt that the catching season will be closed due to undersized or young diwals. Features: *Web visible data. *Password protected *Gives a decision on closing and opening of catching season depending on collected data.
*Generates reports on: -Sizes of diwals being harvested -Individual data of registered fishermen -Daily, Weekly and Monthly catch of each registered fisherman.