The F. I. T. T Principle: Frequency: The frequency of exercising must allow the body to adapt but rest and repair at the same time. For Cardio Repertory the recommended frequency is three times minimally a week and five to six times a week at most. Intensity: The intensity principle defines how much effort should be in one training session or in the training program. To make this principle effective there should be enough effort to overload the body to allow it to adapt but not as much as to over-train the body.

Type: The Type of exercise you do depends on the outcomes you would like to achieve from you r program. There are 6 different types of training. These include fartlek, interval, continuous, circuit, weight and cross. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Time: Time outlines the amount of time spent on each session of training within your program. Time is based on the type of exercise and the intensity. Delete text and place photo here. Year 9 Year 9 Personal Health And Development Assignment Part A: Research Task Play For Life * Recovery time improves Results appear in a shorter time period * Disadvantages * Strenuous on your body and easy to over train * Knee or leg problems can cause difficulty speeding up between intervals. Continuous: Continuous training improves aerobic fitness and is recommended for people who have not trained for a long time. It is moderate exercise lasting for at least 15-20 minutes without rest. AN overload is achieved by increasing intensity, time and speed. * Advantages * Improves aerobic fitness * Cheap * Can be done Individually or in a group * Range of activities can be used Easy to apply F. I. T. T principle PDHPE Year 9 Delete text and place photo here. Delete text and place photo here. Interval Training Fartlek Training Fartlek: The word ‘Fartlek’ come from the Swedish definition of speed play. It combines low and high intensity and many changes in speed and terrain. * Advantages * Improves speed and endurance * Can be done over a variety of terrain * Can include hill work and reps * Programs can be flexible * Suits game players * Disadvantages * If you are not trained can create problems such as cramps * Lack of motivation to do your best Can be too easy to skip the hard bits * Difficult to see how hard someone is training Interval: Interval training consists of periods of hard work followed by periods of rest. It improves mainly speed and is done at high intensity at a fast pace. * Advantages * Fitness and performance improves quickly Part A: Research Task Circuit, Weight and Continuous Cross training contains a number of different training methods. It is used for most sports. * Advantages * Allows for a variety of training * Makes training more interesting Training can be adapted to suit the weather * Disadvantages * Spending time on different types of exercises can distract you from the more important ones * There will be more exercises you might want and need to do. * Disadvantages * Doesn’t improve anaerobic fitness so isn’t ideal for team games which require short bursts of speed * Can be Boring Circuit: Circuit training contains 6-10 training sessions at which a particular activity is performed * Advantages * Not much equipment is needed * Fitness and skills * Can be done at home or at the gym Disadvantages * Your program may include equipment you don’t have * Takes time to set up circuit Weight: Weight training is used to increase muscular strength, endurance and speed. It improves bulk and can help you recover after an injury * Advantages * Is easy to monitor improvement and overload * Can use a variety of exercises to work on certain muscular groups * Disadvantages * Muscles can be sore after workout * Can be painful to do Re. PDHPE Year 9 Delete text and place photo here. Cross Training Cross Training PDHPE YEAR 9 Michaela Franz