The purpose of this report Is to revise the ethical standards to resolve the Issue for the TM, a division of the Warner Pros.

Company. Generally speaking, the field of psychology demands high levels of professional ethical standards to every business company. A code of ethical standards is a set of principles that Is necessary to control a company's sense of purpose and employees' activities. This code can be revised through employees' contributions for a company to Include them In the process.First, there are options for TM to consider for planning a revision, such as keeping the standards at a managerial level, choosing a workforce to perform the entire standards, or use a company-wide process to get an optimum contribution and involvement In the revision of the ethical standards. Second, TM should do a research on external laws, or rules and regulations that could Impact the company's code of ethical standards and create a new code to avoid future problems.

Lastly, to Improve the level of communication with employees, each employee should be given a copy of the new code of ethical standards that would Include behaviors expected from them. This way, they would have a chance to consider Its compatibility with their personal ethics. Also, this Is to ensure that employees have expectations that thatch the company's to avoid future problems with managing their behaviors. References Pack-Brown, S. P & Williams, C. B.

(2003).Ethics In a multicultural context. Sage Publications. Beach, L. R. (2007 The human element: Understanding and managing employee behavior.

M. E. Sharpe. Ethical Standards By contravener The purpose of this report is to revise the ethical standards to resolve the issue company. A code of ethical standards is a set of principles that is necessary to revised through employees' contributions for a company to include them in the involvement in the revision of the ethical standards.