Ethical standards in business are important for every leader to know and understand. The book Ethics 101: What Every Leader Needs to Know by: John C. Maxwell discusses ethics in the world today.

When people make unethical choices, the reason they do because of three main pitfalls. People do what is most convenient to them, people tend to do what they must do to win, and people rationalize their choices with relativism.In this summary, Maxwell’s definition of business ethics will be framed, examples of ethical standards and guidelines, the meaning and contrast of ethical thinking and ethical behavior, and how to avoid these major pitfalls to live an ethical life. The author’s definition of ethics is very basic and straightforward. “There’s no such thing as business ethics – there’s only ethics. People try to use one set of ethics for their professional life, another for their spiritual life, and still another at home with their family.

That gets them in trouble. Ethics is ethics.If you desire to be ethical, you live it by one standard across the board. ” (Maxwell, 1) Maxwell names this one standard as “The Golden Rule. ” An ultimate goal to be used to guide and to help people find the way to live and work ethically and in doing so, achieve greater success in their lives.

To begin the path to “The Golden Rule” each individual must look at how they chose to live their lives in any aspect of their life. To start this thought, think about the way you as an individual want to be treated.People want to feel valued. “There isn’t a person in the world who doesn’t want to be valued by others. (Maxwell, 29) Secondly, people want to feel that they are appreciated.

To start this effort, let people know they are appreciated by thanking them for all of their efforts at every possible moment. Thirdly, people want to be trusted by others. “To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved. ” (Maxwell, 32) People also want to be respected by others.

This enables an individual to gain dignity and build confidence within themselves.As people, we all want to be understood by others. “When dealing with others, seek first to understand, then to be understood. (Maxwell, 37) Finally, while trying to keep others’ needs in perspective, we do not want to be taken advantage of. When this happens it devalues you and the person you took advantage of. All of these will help give an individual the basic outlines of how to begin to look at “The Golden Rule.

” To begin this process of adapting this “Golden Rule” lifestyle, the character of a person is the key to living a life of integrity and ethical excellence. A person’s character is more than just talk. People, who want to earn the respect of their peers and themselves, need to walk the talk.There are many things people do not get to choose, how tall they are or where they are born, but character is a choice that can be made by anyone.

“Trust is essential when working with people. Character engenders trust. ” (Maxwell 44) People tend to fall into three categories: those who don’t succeed, those who succeed temporarily, and those who remain successful. To have a quality character will help to remain successful throughout their lifetime.

In the world today, we see examples in the media of people who do not act as ethically as they should.There are many reasons why people do not do the right thing. These reasons generally fall into five factors that someone compromises their ethics for. To begin with pressure is a major culprit.

In our fast-paced culture, everyone feels some kind of pressure whether it be to cut corners or bend the truth. Maxwell suggests a set of tough questions to ask yourself to be your guide. These include: Am I going to make rash emotional decisions? Am I going to compromise the truth? Am I going to take shortcuts? Am I going to keep my commitments? Am I going to bow to others’ opinions?And am I going to make promises I can’t keep? If the answers to these questions are yes, it is a good guide for situations where pressure may be an excuse to bend the ethical standards. Pleasure is the second vice that people are tempted to feel gratified without thinking through their actions. Our current society, breeds the notion that pleasure is acceptable despite the consequences. The best way to not fall victim to pleasure is to delay gratification and this will help to lead a more ethical lifestyle.

Power is another vice that people fall prey to when ethical issues come to rise.People generally falter during the reception of power, abuse of power, and loss of power. To deter this Harry Truman best said it, “If a man can accept a situation in a place of power with the thought that it’s only temporary, he comes out all right. But when he thinks he is the cause of power that can be his ruination. ” Fourth, pride is a culprit to ethical standards being broken.

Many people are taught at young age to have pride within themselves, but where is the limit to that pride? “How can people treat others, the way they want to be treated if their perception is to beat them? (Maxwell, 67)The best remedy is not to let one’s own pride get the better judgment on them during an ethical situation. Remember to step back from the situation and ensure that your feelings aren’t being hurt and your judgment is clear. Lastly, people’s priorities are a huge pitfall to ethics in their life. Generally speaking when people are not sure of their priorities they are more susceptible to making poor decisions. To overcome this adversity, make an effort to see what priorities you have in your life and live accordingly.

All of these vices tend to seem simple enough, but only through realization can they be overcome to live a more ethical life. Maxwell then discusses using “The Golden Rule” to find a golden opportunity. “You can’t capitalize on an opportunity you receive on the outside until you’ve done the groundwork on the inside. ” (Maxwell, 71) Many CEOs and other people in powerful positions get seduced by attaining their power. They don’t have a strong character to back their decision making skills and fall victim to poor choices that will lead them to follow a path other than the golden rule.To ensure that this will not occur, here are guidelines that should be used.

First, take responsibility for your actions. People who play the blame game rarely find themselves in situations where they are able to obtain golden opportunities. Secondly, develop a personal discipline in the following areas. Time, as it is considered out of your direct control. Energy, should be used for your strengths to the utilized to the best of your abilities.

Goals, it is impossible to do everything at once, so discipline yourself to do the important things first.Moods, as best said, if you do not master your emotions, they will become your master. Thirdly, know your weaknesses. “People who know their weakness are rarely taken by surprise, nor do they allow others to exploit their areas of weakness. ” (Maxwell, 76) It is not necessarily said that a person should hide their weaknesses, but knowledge of how to work around them, is key to creating golden opportunities.

Fourthly, align your priorities with your values. Sometimes, it is not easy to see that your priorities and your values are not in alignment.Ensure that your integrity is in tact, by taking the time to see your values fit into the situation at hand. More importantly, that you values fit into the path you have chosen to address a situation. Fifthly, admit wrongdoing quickly and ask forgiveness. All of the high-profile companies of recent (Enron, etc.

), all went out of their way to cover up facts that they didn’t want others to find out about, thus leading to their eventual demise. People are more respected when they are able to recognize that they are not always perfect, and in turn will be more trusted by the other people around them.Sixthly, take extra care with finances. Henry Ford said it best with, “Money doesn’t change men, it merely unmasks them.

If a man is naturally selfish or arrogant or greedy, the money brings that out that is all. ” Maxwell suggests that the money you have should all be earned by you to truly feel the impact that finances have on an individual. Seventhly, put your family ahead of work. In our society today, people feel the need to place their families aside for their personal gain at work. To live with “The Golden Rule” means to obtain goals without sacrificing their family.

Lastly, place high value on people.Trust is a key to living “The Golden Rule. ” If you are unable to trust your employees, they in turn will not place their trust in you. By using these tips, they help to obtain the foundation on the inside to create opportunities on the outside. Maxwell’s “Golden Rule” is an all encompassing rule which when used will lead to an ethical lifestyle.

By using these tools to evaluate oneself, their situations around them, and the opportunities that may arise a golden lifestyle can occur. It is not important to just live a standard in the workplace, but to live it out in all aspects of one’s life.