Brendan a 17-year-old competitive tennis player that had problems with his serve and Mrs. Riley a third-grade teacher with a group of energetic students were helped by an ABA psychologist through behavior chaining and token economy therapies. In this project is explained how those therapies can help improve the performance of behaviors, first, using a chain of small steps turned into a reinforcer that will change the outcome of a targeted behavior, and second, obtaining rewards though receiving tokens after performing the desired behavior and both acting as reinforcers for a better outcome.The sport psychologist behaviorist choose behavior chaining to help Brendan because this is the best method to link the small steps into a behavior chain producing a complete reinforcer instigating this 17-year-old boy to have a better serving.

Each response will produce a reinforcer for the next one creating the chain, all the chain steps are linked and overlapped to hold the chain together and obtain the selected results.A primary reinforcement is when the individual is responding to an impulse variation that works as reinforcer but is not learned, is done due to necessity like looking for water if the individual is thirsty, therefore, no learning is necessary for them to be a reinforcement. The secondary reinforcer is combining stimulus-stimulus with one or more unconditioned or conditioned reinforcers (Cooper, Heron & Heward, 2007).An example of secondary reinforcer is money, it can be used to buy primary reinforcers such as clothing, food, houses; another one is the clicker used to trained dogs, in this method the dog will receive a reward, treat, or praise after performing the desired behavior, the more is used the stronger the response. In the case that Brendan has not mastered an aspect of the behavior chain the behaviorist must use with Brendan the single-opportunity method.

Brendan will be prompted to situate on place with the legs in the correct position, toss the ball to a specific height, hold the racket at the correct angle and swing it back coming to the front with the correct acceleration to hit the ball and have the correct serve. If any of these steps is not done correctly and within the time then he will have to start all over again. Ways to help Brendan achieve this are through observing a competent player perform his serve, consulting with experts on how to perform the correct serve and practicing the sequence long enough to get it correctly done.Single opportunity method is a step by step analysis in the correct sequence, in this process the learner has to perform each step of the task in sequence and correctly within a range of time and probes specified by the instructor, if not done within the time and consecutive attempts it will be marked as incorrect. This is more conservative and quicker to perform.

Multiple-opportunity method is a step by step assessment where a step is performed incorrectly the analyst will complete it and the learner will be positioned for the next step; the learner will not be helped to perform any of the tasks.In this method is easier for the student to learn and takes more time to perform, plus, provides the trainer with more information. The ABA professional Ms. Riley contacted determined that to develop an effective behavior modification the best method to use is a token economy system, to use this system is the best modification because it will address all the class problems, the class will be quiet enough to earn the token and will be able to learn at the same time, thus, providing the students with a reward as a reinforcer.The steps in designing a token economy are: select the token to be used, identify the target behavior and rules, select a menu of backup reinforcers, establish a ratio of exchange, write procedures specifying what will happen if requirements are not met, and last, field test the system.

Selecting the token depends on who will use them and how long are they going to be used, they should be safe, should be only available to the analyst to avoid counterfeiting, it could be an obsession item for the student studied, they should be easy to carry, bank or store, and is very important they are dispensed after the target behavior is achieved. Target behavior rules must be quantifiable and evident behaviors, specifying the standards for effective task achievement, start with a small number and make sure the individual has the abilities for the target behavior.A backup reinforcer is what the group receive as a prize for the behavior modification, there must be other backups available when the naturally occurring reinforcer fails; it also should follow ethical and legal policies. A ratio of exchange should be small at first and then attuned to preserve receptiveness, each item prize must specify how many token it is worth, and the exchange days must be specified and later extend more days in between.

The student should be prompted when the requirements for tokens are not met and tell him to try again for next time; it could include token loss for inappropriate behavior and rules infractions, this must be stated clearly in the rules. For three to five days the tokens are tallied but not delivered and used in assessment, this will help decide if more or fewer tokens require to be distributed relative to the price of the backup reinforcers.Tokens are a generalized reinforcer, a medium of exchange, a symbol, object or item that will be of interest of the participant. It helps to modify behavior because the individual interested in receiving the token will want to modify its performance in order to earn the reward. In the case of Ms.

Riley class they will settle down to earn the token and will be able to learn at the same time, thus, providing the students with a reward as a reinforcer.The tokens in this case will be the puzzle pieces that the whole class will receive, and the pizza party plus two no weekend homework will act as the back-up reinforcers. The methods used help improve the performance of each of the different persons used within, in Brendan case will help him became a winner in tennis and in Ms. Riley case the class will be able to learn and at the same time receive prizes in exchange for a better behavior, both methods used as reinforcers to improve their lives and achieve their goals.