Timeline Natalie Ramirez Civilizations on a grand scale didn't get rolling until around 3000 B.C.E Major early civilization developed and became dominant around 3000 B.C.

E By 3000 B.C.E , UR, Erech , and Kish were the major city-states of the first major civilization of Sumer . From approximately 2000 B.C.E two Mediterranean civilizations, Greece and Rome dominated the region Sometime around 1900 B.

C.E., the cities of the IndusValley were abandoned, for reasons that remain unknown today By around 1700 B.C.

E., the civilization had been completely over thrown, however, it's conquerors adopted many Sumerian traditions and technologies.The Akkadians major contribution was they developed the first known code of laws , which they wrote in cuneiform, which they learned from the Sumerians. But by 1700 B.

C.E., Akkad was overrun by a new powerhouse in Mesopotamia, Babylon . The Shang dynasty controlled the Yellow River Valley from around 1600 B.

C.E. By 1500 B.C.

E., the Indus Valley civilization crumbled with the arrival of the Aryan's By 1500 B.C.E., the Hittites dominated the region Babylon, especially because they learned how to use iron in their weapons.

Beginning around 1500 B.C.E., farmers in the niger and Benve River valleys in west Africa began migrating south and east, bringing with them their languages, and their knowledge of agricultural and metallurgy .

The Olmec civilization came to an end in 1400 B.C.E.Old , middle and new,it was during the kingdom that the ancient egyptian civilization reached its heigh.

By 1400 B.C.E., it stretched from the upper Nile River Through the eastern Mediterranean regions of Palestine and parts of Asia Minor. The Olmec civilization started in 1200 B.C.

E.By 1100 B.C.E.

, and for the next thousand years ancient Egypt fell into decline, and both the Assyrian empire and the Persian empire conquered parts of this once-great civilization The Shang dynasty stopped controlling the Yellow River Valley around 1100 B.C.E Around 1100 B.C.E.

, the Shang were ousted by Wu Wang, who established the Zhou dynasty, which maintained many of the traditions and customs developed under the Shang Dynasty. By around 1000 B.C.E., the Hebrews had established Israel in palestineon the eastern shores of the Mediterranean Sea .

The Chavin and the Andes civilization began in 900 B.C.E.509 B.C.E.

, beginning of Rome. The Persians established a big Empire-a really big empire that by 500 B.C.E.

, stretched from beyond the Nile River Valley in Egypt around the eastern Mediterranean through present day turkey and parts of Greece, and the east ward through present day Afghanistan After years of increasing tensions, a trade dispute involving the city of Corinth pushed Athens and Sparta into peloponnesian war in 431 B.C.E The Macedonians , under the rule of Philip of Macedonia, reigned in 359 B.C.C.

, Athens from the north and conquered the entire region . Around 330 B.C.E., Alexander the Great conquered the Persian empire and continued to India Around 321 B.C.E., a new empire arose in India, one that would come to be the largest in that country to date The Chavin and the Andes civilization ended in 300 B.C.E.