The tasks and Subtasks There are several tasks that needs to be accomplished as this program is preparing to launch. The Big Brothers and Big Sisters of America is known to use dedicated volunteers, therefore the plans are to recruit volunteers for the Summer Youth Tutoring program. This program however will also require a program director. First task is to hire a program director. The program director will hire a coordinator who will recruit volunteers needed for the Summer Youth Tutoring program.The coordinator task will be the screening of the potential volunteers during the three months prior to last semester of school.

The program director task will be the development of three months of objectives for the Summer Youth Tutoring program with specific tasks. Other tasks includes the designing of outreach strategies to acquaint targeted youths with the Summer Tutoring program. There is also the task of contacting the teachers, principals, and counselors of the local Junior high and sigh schools to help identify youths that will benefit from the Summer Youth Tutoring program and begin referrals.Begin implementation with youths needing immediate assistance within the first second semester of school is another task.

The task of developing individual service plans to meet needs of each youth during that time and once school is out, so the youths will be ready to be a part of the summer program once school is out. An ongoing task, but evaluations should occur at the first and third month of the summer to ensure things are running efficiently.