What is feminism? Feminism in the 1920s.

characters that portray feminism. Womens role. P1 – topic sentence about feminism in general. Link to example from the novel.

Give explanations of feminism. Your perspective and one other persons perspective. P2 – topic sentence about men in novel getting away with ish. Give explanation.

Your perspective link to outer world. Critics perspective.P3 – Feminism. What is feminism? We hear it all the time and Feminism is a collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights for women.[1][2] This includes seeking to establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment. A feministadvocates or supports the rights and equality of women.

[3] After reading and studying F Scott Fitzgerald’s classic American novel based on Gatsby’s love for Daisy Buchanan, his long lost lover.After reading and studying William Shakespeare’s classic story of Othello, I have concluded that Iago sabotaged Othello’s relationship with Desdemona because he was jealous of him. While analysing different critics opinions and views on Iago’s motives, I found many contrasting ideas and discovered that not all aligned with my initial hypothesis. Critics’ opinions varied depending on time period.The three main critics and time periods I studied were A.C Bradley (1904), Leslie Y Rabkin & Jeffrey Brown (1997) and Sam Wood (2009).

These three critics all showed different views on Iago’s motives and Othello and Desdemona’s relationship in turn. (1)