Teen pregnancy is something that has been around for ages, and isn’t all that uncommon.

As of 2006, out of a million teens between the ages 15-19 three quarters of them end up pregnant every year. Out of all those teens, only a very few planned on becoming teen mothers. Through my interviews I have learned just how difficult and life changing becoming pregnant and having a baby as a teen can be. The best thing for teens to do is wait to have a baby, because having a baby this young is a lot more difficult than it looks.

“Having a baby this young is not easy. Even though you might have your parents to help you, it’s still really hard.School becomes overly stressful and your friends drop really fast. And the boy who promised to be there forever finds a new girl. It changes your life and creates many obstacles” - Nicole. Being a teen mom you don’t get the high school or even college experiences you would have gotten if you had waited.

Statistics show that most teenagers who become pregnant do not end up going to college. Girls who become pregnant as teens who had planned on going to college and getting an education have to figure out alternative solutions such as going to community college or taking classes online.The best things for teens to do is wait, wait to have a baby. Its better for them to just enjoy high school and college so they can have that experience.

Most teen girls who end up getting pregnant and having a baby are not ready physically or mentally. “Teenage years are already feel like your being judged by everyone, add a big belly and it all gets worse” - Cathy. Teens who become pregnant get looked down upon and are judged by so many people, which makes things more difficult.Plus most teen girls who end up pregnant think that just because they have a baby, the dad will stay. However in all my interviews, each lady stated how the guy left. Having a baby means growing up and taking on many responsibilities, which many teens are not ready to do at such a young age.

“The second you find out your having a baby, you have to grow up right then” - Nicole. Getting pregnant as a teen changes your whole life, your forced to grow up. The best thing teens can do is to wait and just enjoy being a kid while they still can be one.