Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can be harmful to you and your growing baby.

Thus, the best course is not to drink at all during pregnancy.When a woman drinks alcohol during pregnancy, the alcohol passes from her blood stream through the placenta and into the baby’s blood stream. When a woman is drinking regularly during this time, the alcohol can disrupt the baby’s normal development in the womb.Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can affect the way the baby develops in the womb, the baby’s health at birth, the baby’s susceptibility to illness in infancy, childhood, adolescence and adult life, and the child’s ability to learn.The effects of drinking alcohol are most harmful for the baby when a woman drinks just before and during pregnancy.

When a woman cuts down or stops drinking at any point during pregnancy, it can make a difference to the baby.However, in some instances, once the damage has been done, this cannot be reversed. If you are heavy drinker and then stop dinking immediately, you could experience side effects such as withdrawal, delirium and other difficulties. So if you want to stop drinking, you should discuss this first with your healthcare professional, who will be able to help you to manage any side effects.

No one knows how much alcohol it takes to harm a developing baby. When you drink alcohol during pregnancy, it rapidly reaches your baby through your bloodstream. The effect of alcohol on the developing baby can vary depending on the health of the pregnant woman and also the amount, pattern and timing of drinking alcohol during pregnancy.Binge drinking is especially bad for the developing baby. .

Binge drinking is when a person has five or more units of alcohol on any one occasion. When a person is binge drinking, they may become drunk. Social drinking now forms part of modern life.One aspect of social drinking is becoming drunk. One of the effects of becoming drunk is that it removes an individual’s ability to think rationally. When a woman drinks heavily and becomes drunk, she is more likely to have unprotected sex.

The consequence of unprotected sex can be unplanned pregnancy and sexually transmitted infection. When a woman gets drunk regularly during pregnancy, there are potentially harmful effects upon the baby.