What is it thinking? Thinking is an activity we do naturally and spontaneously, each moment, every day, all human beings around the world during our stay ephemeral passing on this earth. The reality is something we can perceive with the senses, but the reality is something hidden that will not perceive the senses. To any reality we get a lot of questions: what, why, for whom is, by whom, etc.. We ask for things we do not perceive the senses.

For this explains intelligence, or at least try to explain, unwrap, discover what is hidden. So thinking is primarily answer questions or try to answer the questions that it is intelligence.Also think about is to calculate or to diagnose what are the best ways to accomplish an objective and what are the consequences of what we do. Quoting the book, written by Hanno-Walter, K. (1990). History of Architectural Theory.

Madrid: Alianza Editorial. Theory of Architecture "is possible to reach a definition concise theory of architecture, if you take the history of the theory of architecture, as the sum of what has been consciously formulated as a theory, in other words, written collection of thought that defines the history of architecture. ''Then we can extrapolate that the theory of architecture is the result of thinking, analyze, devouring the facts, history, and then diluting this process in a response that serves as an anchor from which to understanding architecture and its development and formation and that in its history. Who can analyze the same architectural history to come up with a theory, part of the evolutionary development of that history.

The theory is studied by the history of architecture, appearing to turn this study, making it the result of criticism and architectural analysis.This gives way to architectural theory so that you can mark a period specified in architectural history, from the essential characteristics of this theory were legacies for the same period its own history. Contrary to popular belief, theories are not only experimental, because if we consider that the purpose of theory is to explain the laws, it is logical to understand that theory can arise from an analytic process, critical thinking from objects, media tangible and sensitive.Do not forget that the theory, experiential bases, intellectual and individual, not are absolute truths, but are the result of empirical observations and a explain curious. Therefore they are conducive to changes that will be part of the evolution thinking and new points of view that emerged, and continue to emerge to emerge from written history and architecture, adding to the resulting formula story that will emerge as we move forward into the future.

The theory allows us to anticipate.Should enable us to predict how something works. If theories serve to organize knowledge that will be useful, and that order and clarify something possibly we would take to structure and understand ourselves. It is essential to know the different points of view, in which different theories arise Each architect or theory raised that point, so we can have a real base and impartial investigation into an architectural object or a specific style. Know the theories and available is essential for us to create our own theories.

The most important point theories of the past is that somehow help us to know which decisions to make and not so that we avoid the mistakes of the past. As is noted in the article by P. Acuna, do not forget that the theory when focusing on these sensitive objects, is expressly based on that aesthetic theories made in the analysis of each entity own architectural, characteristic of an era. As aesthetic is the domain of pure looks, the only thing that counts is the impression conveyed by the architecture.Not how are you look is achieved, since this corresponds to the field of design theory.

The attached architectural theory itself potential knowledge and experience made the past that become part concepts that could have an architect available to create, according to preset parameters for the same theory and what happens to materialize in fact, in this case architecture. This agglomeration of experience and knowledge, albeit from an analysis of history, are to be shown as part of the architect who takes a perspective of experience conversion in history theory.Therefore, when designing, we remember those perspectives of what was the architecture in the past and we rely on past experiences to forge a new conception of its own and sometimes completely break with this past our quest to move away from this. The theory of architecture as a necessity born of the architecture itself, not to be a new area of study. In this sense the theory is integrated and condensed in a range of historical factors aimed at the reality in which they arise.

This pattern theory a strong relationship between thinking, designing and running, allowing us to run what think through the design.The theory applied wing Architecture architectural design involves a multitude of relations, the theory considers the thought and experience, training and production, critical appraisal and generally involves a review and reflection on the architecture and different times and for thinking so after a thorough analysis and may result in a creation, a new architectural entity, conceived by its designer, architect. If you look today, we see that the architectural language of the past is gone losing in terms of its graphic and expressive.That's why having a large important study because of the architectural theories that have emerged over our history that must somehow preserve the experiences of past so that we can integrate them into the current expression, and can thus preserve the essence of the architectural evolution in the same present, and preserve for the future. Defining research topic, subject of study and importance of the theory of architecture. Reference source of information Acuna Vigil, P.

(2007, February 12).Theories architecture. Retrieved January 14, 2011, in http://www. urbanoperu.

com/node/241 Relevance consider relevant text, since it focuses specifically on the essential points necessary for granting and conducting the test, so that if included in necessary for granting points to develop a test that contains the information requested. Authority / Credibility / Reliability The article's author, Mg. Architect Percy Cayetano Acuna Vigil. Born in Peru.

He has done Post Grades Urban and Regional Planning in England, University of Edinburgh.Former student of the Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Arts (UNI) of the National Engineering University (UNI) in Lima, Peru. Currently performed research in the area of production and consumption of housing in Peru and Consulting engineering and project planning. Author of several publications, besides being a great researcher. Scope In this article I identify specific elements and descriptive theory architecture itself. In the article appears in a textual and an encyclopedic explanation of the concept, including a brief history and a characteristic development this.