Reacting to the movie Selena, it highlights the pursuit of one woman to overcome the setbacks of culture and society. She rises to the occasion in her efforts to perform in front of many people and seek personal satisfaction and development. Though she may have died at an early age, she had proven herself to be an inspiration to many and established herself as an artist at the latter part of the 20th century.

Looking at it, one important component that captivated me the most was Selena’s struggle to prove her maturity and actions to her family.Coming from a traditional Mexican family, she was given to abide by the principles of culture and sought to legitimize her actions both as an individual and an adult. Her liberal ideals can be seen clashing with his father’s conventional thinking in the film. One example of this conflict occurred when Selena Perez fell in love with her fellow band mate Chris Perez. Despite her father’s strong stand against this person, Selena fought their relationship together and argued that she was indeed an adult to make such decisions.In the end, because of her persistence, her father finally succumbed to her wishes and gave his blessings to the couple.

Seeing this, the transition and shift of roles can clearly be seen in the film. We can see in here the clash of one’s liberal ideas towards customary beliefs and practices and how such can result into conflict. However, because of each party’s ability to adapt and interact accordingly, an understanding was achieved in the process. Moreover, this movie can also show the empowerment of women in the field of music. Selena’s passion for music had captivated and attracted the mainstream society.

With her persistence and dedication, she was able to promote her ideas on what she believed was fair and right in her own perspective. Thus, this contributed to her ability to touch people’s lives with her music and performance. The film Los Olivados in its light showcases the outcomes of poverty and how it can influence individual actions. It is through such condition that people will do anything in order to survive even if it means compromising other individuals’ lives. This is one central point where the story revolves and showcases its ideas.Analyzing the film, it showcased the ability to meet the needs of viewers in terms of creating awareness of the difficulty in being impoverish.

The characters utilize their means in order to survive the brutish scenarios in the slums. At the same time, it has highlighted the social realities surrounding the story. Though the overall plot showcased these scenarios, the ending provided a sense of justice to characters such as Pedro and El Jaibo. Seeing this, one important component that I liked in the film is the ability of one person to desire changes in life despite the many mistakes he/she has committed in the past.Though society and life has not really been good for the characters, we see a transformation wherein an act of kindness gave the renewed spark that hope is still possible.

I feel that this is the main essence of Pedro’s character in the film. This kindness and trust was manifested when Pedro was sent to the juvenile camp for mistakenly being blamed for the theft in the blacksmith. It was in here that Pedro saw the kindness of the principal and how he was confident that such character can change. It even came to a point that money was entrusted to him and commit an errand.Looking at Pedro’s character, he was a bandit and a delinquent.

At such a young age, he exposed and engaged in violence and theft that made her mother disdainful of his activities. However, it is in here that there was a change of heart for Pedro who sought to find the change he desires only to realize that it was indeed difficult to let go of his past actions. Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown is another fulfilling film to watch because of its capability to captivate viewers which denotes the capability of Pedro Almodovar to use effective cinematic techniques to portray his touch in the film.By doing this, the overall facet of the film became complex and persuade insight and comprehension.

These are some reasons why this film is worth the time and effort. One important aspect that I liked about the film revolves around Almodovar’s focus on women’s feelings in the film. The perspective of the film operates on the character of the female actresses who strive to achieve the perfect relationship and emotional stability. I liked this because the film captures the needs of women and shows it accordingly in how each actress play their part in the film.Moreover, its sensitivity mixed with humor can make the story understood by viewers and not regarded as dragging and heavy.

Though the overall plot consists of failure and tragedy, the amazing mixture of wit and farce erased the tendency of the film to become heavy and difficult to comprehend. Likewise, the role of women were also epitomized and displayed in the supporting features of the film. The mixture of colors and costumes highlighted the effort to show the distinction between male and female mindsets.In such area, Almodovar was able to interchange the perception of both sexes as far as relationships and emotions are concerned. The ability of one family to overcome the barriers and changes of time has been the essential element that I liked in the film My family/Mi Familia by Gregory Nava. It outlines the exploits of each member towards attaining their purpose in the community and society.

Despite there are hurdles in the process, the characters showed resilience and determination to overcome them.What I liked in the film was its ability to showcase the changes and evolution of customs, practices and treatment of immigrants in the United States from the time of revolution until the 70’s. Nava was able to portray this by using scenarios and events that are crucial to the main characters of the story; the Sanchez family. Despite the occurrence of many transformations and modifications between South California and immigrants from Mexico, the main protagonists showed that their beliefs and ideals are still intact and grounded on traditional beliefs.In the course of time, the Sanchez family has undergone many struggles that changed each generation’s perception of life. This can be noted in the decisions and interactions that happened during family reunions or scenes that depicted harsh realities or situations.

However, one thing can be deciphered in this story; life in itself is composed of the mixture of decisions that are stimulated by our environment and other factors that continue to motivate us to survive.