Introduction: Bangladesh is called the darling called of nature seems to have adorned her lavishly by all her beauties and bounties. Our six seasons have contributed much to add to the surpassing beauty of Bangladesh. They have made our land a treasure-trove of bounteous nature. Nowhere in the world are the six season’s so sharply felt as in Bangladesh.

Names of seasons: Bangladesh is favorite playground of nature decorated with six seasons. They are: summer, rainy season, early autumns, late autumn, winter and spring. They come one after another by turns.Each of the seasons lasts for two months.

Each season has its own features, beauties, colors, sights and sounds. A brief description of the six seasons is given below: Summer: summer is the first season of the year. It consists of baishakh and jaista. It is the warmest season of the year. There is scarcity of water everywhere. Ponds, canals, lakes and small rivers dry up.

The earth gets parched under the scorching heat of the sun. people sweat and become tired and thirsty. A dreadful storm called kal-baishakhi comes with lighting, thunder, terrible wind and downpour.It causes much havoc to life and property. Various kinds of diseases break out in this season.

Of course, summer si not without its blessings. It is rich in jucy fruits like mangoes, jackfruits, lichis, black-berries and many other fruits. The days of summer are longer then the nights. Rainy season: ‘ashar’ and ‘sravan’ are the months of rainy season.

The sky remains overcast with clouds. It rains cats and dogs. Ponds, canals and rivers become full to the brim. Roads go under water and people have to move from one place to another by boats.

It washes away the filth and dirt.Everything in nature looks fresh and gay. It acts as a life-blood for our agricultural economy. It is truly said that agriculture in Bangladesh is a gamble in monsoons. Heavy rainfall causes floods and brings untold sufferings to the people.

Early autumn: it consists of ‘bhadra’ and ‘aswin. ’ Sometimes light and white patches of clouds are seen floating in the sky. It hardly rains. Nature is calm and quiet. It is neither hot nor cold. Different birds and flowers add lavishly to the charms and beauties fo nature.

The hindus celebrate their greatest festival ‘Durga puja’ in this season.Late autumn: kartik and agrahayan are the months of late autumn. It is the season of dews. Dews fall on the blades of grass and look like pearls in the morning sun. it presents a very heart-touching and eye-catching sight. It is neither very hot nor very cold.

Fields look golden with the ripe paddy. Peasants become busy with harvesting their ripe paddy and other crops. People celebrate the festival of ‘Nabanna’ in this season. Winter: then comes winter.

Paush and magh are the months of winter. It comes with its fog and cold. It is the coldest season of the year.Men and animals shiver with cold.

It is a curse for the poor, but a blessing for the rich. Old people and children in the rural areas are found sitting round fire to make them selves warm. The sun is then mild and pleasant. We get a better supply of a great variety of fish and vegetables in this season.

People enjoy cakes, fruits and date-juice. Foods taste well. It is the season of pleasant weather, festivals, marriages, games and sports. The days are shorter than the nights in this season.

Nature becomes dull. Spring: last of all, comes spring. It consists of falgun and chaitra.It comes with its beauty, glory, pomp and splendor.

Nature looks bright and charming. It is neither very hot nor very cold. Trees and plants put on new leaves and twigs. Flowers bloom in thousands and give off their sweet smell all around.

A gentle breeze blows from the south and sooths our mind. Birds sing melodious songs all day long. It is the most pleasant season and liked by one and all. It is called the king of seasons. Conclusion: all these seasons have gives our motherland an uncommon scenic beauty and novelties. This is why, we hear our beloved poet tagore claim,