Safeguarding the welfare of children and young people 1. 2 Services which work together to safeguard and promote the welfare of children Children's Social Care Help children who are in need and also if a concern is raised about a child they will decide on the course of action to take. For example carry out and assessment and find out what the child's needs are and gather all the relevant information that is needed.Police They work with children's social care to protect children from harm. They have roles ND responsibilities which include making a decision on whether a crime has been committed and if it has they will start an investigation and gather evidence from the Children's social care.

Health Professional They will examine children whose injuries they think are non-accidental.If abuse is suspected the health professional will then alert the children's social care. They are the only third sector organization who can take action when children are at risk of abuse and they also provide support to children and families and a helpline or people to call if they are worried about a child and they also raise awareness of abuse through advertising.Wigwag Local Safeguarding Children's Board These have particular roles and responsibilities to oversee the work of other agencies. The board is made up of experts from a range of children's services.

Serious cases of abuse are always reviewed by the LESS. School Staff Education Monitor children and look out for relevant changes to the relevant people.