1. Anecdotal Record: 7:00 AM Child A on couch while the television is on. Child A is engaged in a program titled “Spongebob. ” Child A is unresponsive when told to sit down for breakfast at the table. Child A comes to kitchen table awaiting breakfast.

Child A is conversing with other children at the table. Child A gets up from table and states she is going to the bathroom. Child A returns and states she is thirsty. In summary Child A had a difficult time focusing on eating.

Child A was distracted by the television, and other children. :20 AM.2. Running Record: 7:30 AM Child A walks into Living room and picks up building blocks. Child A stacks each block one on top of each other.

Child A places a barbie doll on top of the blue block. Child A then picks up a basket from the shelf. 7:35 Child A fills basket with blocks and other objects. Child A wanders around searching for something. Child A finds a bag containing “play” makeup.

Child A calls to younger sister to join her. Child A is told the toy is only for supervised play because of the small objects. :40 Child A agrees and places toy out of reach. Child A sits down and plays quietly by herself.

7:45 Child A expresses concerns of going outside today. Child A is told possibly. Child A agrees, and begins to read a book. 7:50 Child A crawls on the carpet imitating a dog’s movements. Child A is moving slow, and swaying back and forth.

In summary, Child A is able to entertain herself quite fine. Child A is very self motivating.3. Event Sampling: 10:00 AM The condition currently is a relaxed setting.

Child A colors a picture alongside younger sibling.Child A engages in conversation with the sibling. Child directs younger sibling to gather items from other room. Child A and younger sibling walk together to the dining room. Child A offers to act as the bad guy while younger sibling is rescued.

Childs a behavior is friendly to other sibling. Both seem to enjoy similar activities.4. Time Sampling: 12:00 PM Child B expresses concern of wanting to watch a movie. Child B begins to whine when told no.

Child B stomps right foot, and walks around corner. 2:05 Child B pushes pink wagon around in a circular motion. Child B puts dolls inside of wagon. Child B tips wagon over.

12:10 Child B asks for water. Child B has a drink from the cup. Child B states she wants the top off. 12:15 Child B takes top off with no assistance. Child B secures top back on to cup. 12:20 Child B requests for three minutes of play before nap time.

Child B is granted the three minutes. Child B gathers belongings to take along. 12:25 Child B walks up stairs slowly. Child B walks in bedroom. Child B requests more water.

Child B is put in crib. Child B lays down. Child B enjoyed spending the time playing with different objects as well as persons. Child B is outgoing.

Child B follows directions.5. Reflection: I prefered the time sampling method. Time sampling allows you able to focus on a certain behavior in five minute sessions. Time sampling doesn’t require an event to take place.

In order for myself to become a skilled observer I would need repetition of different observation techniques. I would feel most comfortable with a laptop rather a notepad and pen.