Dear Reader,This is a letter to you explaining how I went about the portfolio that I have made. There were three different portfolio essays, namely, objective, rhetorical, and persuasive. All these essays dealt with different topics.

The topic for the objective essay was whether plastic surgery is justified or not. This essay was developed with the help of various real life examples of successful and unsuccessful cases. I have incorporated some famous examples to explain to the reader the pros and cons of plastic surgery.The rhetorical essay dealt with the Audience Analysis of the speech of President Barack Obama.

This paper explained the different rhetoric that the President uses in his speech. They are pathos, ethos and logos. He uses more of pathos. It is his central element in all his speeches. I have used many instances of his speeches where he has used different types of rhetoric. I have then analysed his way of speech and the manner he binds his audience till the end.

The topic for the persuasive paper was Breast Implantation among Women. Since earlier times women have been interested in enhancing their body parts for the feel good factor as well as to attract the opposite sex. In this essay, I have tried to convince the reader by highlighting the bitter aspect of this surgery. I have used examples like those of Donda West, mother of notorious music artist Kanye West, Former Miss Argentina Solange Magnan, and Karen Curry. I have tried to urge the reader and all those who think that this is a great option, to give it a second thought by providing detailed cases named above.I have conducted a comprehensive research to do full justice to each of my essays.

I have also taken complete care of how the essay has to be flown according to the tone. For persuasive essay, I have taken full care to persuade the reader to think about the drawbacks of the breast implant that can be fatal to the individual. Similarly, for the objective essay, I downed an objective approach towards the matter of plastic surgery as a way to either remake or create a body part or as a way to enhance one’s body. This essay is open for debate since many feel that it is a simple and an easy way while on the other hand; there are many who think it is equally dangerous.As far as the rhetoric essay is concerned, I have done a wide research on the speeches of president Obama, wherein the different rhetoric he uses have been analyzed and presented to the reader.

Various lines and statements from his speeches have been extracted which further explain the idea.I believe that for each of these essays, I have done a lot of hard work which I hope my reader will be able to realize and appreciate. I have been a good student throughout my student life and I feel that my reader will agree with me. The research that I have done for these essays will be appreciated is all that I hope.I wish that my work and my determination to provide the reader with quality work will be seen and appreciated too.