Question 1:outline current legislation and polices relating to childrenPolicies and procedures for safeguarding the welfare of children and young people are -The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989, which ensure that children are safe and looked after, children have the right to be protected from all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect, negligent treatment, maltreatment or exploitation including sexual abuse by those looking after them.Children Act 1989 - Parents and professionals must work to ensure the safety of the child. Local Authority has ‘a duty to investigate when there is a reasonable cause to suspect that a child suspect that a child is suffering or likely to suffer significant harm.

The Education Act 2002 - This sets out the responsibilities of Local Education Authorities (LEAs), Governing bodies, head teachers and all those working in schools to ensure that children are safe and free from harm.Children Act 2004 - This provides the legal framework for Every Child Matters. It includes the requirement for: Services to work more closely, forming an integrated service.Working Together to Safeguard Children 2006 - This sets out the duties of organisations and how they must work together to safeguard children and young people.Question 2: Discusses the steps you would take, if you had a concern for the safety and well being of a childThe children's act 2004 is a legislation to help protect a child or young adult under 18,there could be many different concerns but ones that need to be raised are neglect, sexual abuse, emotional and physical abuse, they are overlap in many different causes, a child or young adult could suffer from more than one abuse.

A child that is suffering from physical and emotional abuse because there is violence, drug or drink abuse in the family home.Before a decision is made we need to consider, either the parent are being given or using extra support services for help, how venerable the child is, is either parent aware of these concerns and are they able to look after there child.A need to keep records' of any concerns regarding the child and documentations are very important, clear records ensure that an account of any agenancies,staff,doctors involvements if an allegation or concern have been recorded, it will help know what happening, said or what action has been taken. if an individual is unavailable or others responding to the allegation they can see what been written or said.Once you have made the referral you will discuss the concerns, discuss and involve the different professional or agencies, if a criminal offence has been committed the police need to be informed, contact the parents or guardian to discusses the concerns raised, maybe consider a timescale and review later.Question 3:Evalute the affects of domestic abuse on children, what impact could this have on children with in the school settingThere is a lot of fact sheets and information that shows children who are from a home where there is domestic abuse, are more likely to experience a lot of difficulties they fall in to the three section I've written belowBehavioral,social and emotional problemsA child in a family that has domestic abuse are more likely to show aggressive and antisocial behaviour or may become anxious and depressed, have a high level of anger, disobedience, withdrawal from sibling and social relationships and low self-esteem.Cognitive and attitudinal problemsA child from a family with domestic abuse will have difficulties in school, will have a low mark on verbal, motor and cognitive skills, limited problem solving lack of conflict resolution skills.Long-term problemsA male from a domestic abuse family are more likely to become a domestic abuser and a female from the same family will become the victim of abuse, there is also a higher level of trauma and depression symptoms.