Review the following scenarios, and then write a paragraph for each one describing what media you think would be most appropriate to use and why. See Table 10-3 for suggestions. a.

Many of the technical staff on the project comes in from 9:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. while the users always come in before 9:00 a.m.

The business users have been making comments. The project manager wants to have the technical people come in by 9:00, although many of them leave late.b.Your company is bidding on a project for the entertainment industry.

You know that you need new ideas on how to put together the proposal and communicate your approach in a way that will impress the customer.c.Your business has been growing successfully, but you are becoming inundated with phone calls and e-mails.d.You need to make a general announcement to a large group of people and want to make sure they get the information.

For scenario (A), I think the appropriate media to use should be the Making a Simple Request Media. The reason being is that the project manager wants the technical people to come in early although they have already been leaving late. In my opinion, this is an extraordinary request. Such a request should be approached in a courteous manner; explaining to the group why such demand is requested of them. It is anticipated that most simple request will involve a small volume of material or which will be processed relatively quickly.

After reviewing the Media choice table, I think the appropriate media choice for scenario B should be the Encouraging Creative Thinking Media. I choose this one because, in the scenario it talks about coming up with new ideas which will impress the potential customers. “Creativity can be used to make products, processes and services better and it can be used to create them in the first place. It is expected that increasing your creativity will help you, your organization and your customers become happier through improvements in your quality and quantity of output (creativethinking).

New ideas for a project, usually requires brainstorming from a group of competent individuals. For scenario C, it was a little difficult deciding which media choice to go with. But after taking a long hard look at it, I decided to go with the Addressing Many People Media. I choose this media because, there are many phone calls and e-mails coming into the business. The business would have to be properly staffed with the right individuals that could address all of the different phone calls and e-mails that are coming in.

Scenario D involves making a general announcement to a group of people and to make sure they get the information. Even though scenario C is completely different from this scenario, I still think that the medium choice should be the same; which is the Addressing Many People Media. The only thing these two scenarios have in common is the fact that many people have to be communicated to. Communication is the key to resolving most misunderstandings and conflicts. Scenario D puts an emphasis on relaying the necessary information to a group of people so that they may understand what is going on.