Have you ever thought about the difference between love marriages and arranged marriages? In some countries like China, India, and the Gulf countries, arranged marriages still exist. However, arranged marriages seem strange to other countries, especially were love marriage is strongly supported, countries such as United States, Europe, and even sometimes the Middle East. There are three noticeable differences in love and arranged marriage.
The three differences are the parent’s choice about the relationship, the relationship between the bride and the groom, and the priorities in their relationship.An arranged marriage is an agreement between the bride and the groom family. Parents have a tendency to study the background of the family they are considering to get involved with. Sometimes arranged marriages help in improving the family social life. In an arranged marriage neither the groom nor the bride knows each other, also in many cultures like the Indian culture, the parents responsibility includes to assure a suitable mate for their child. The bride and the groom would lack much information about each other, except the basic information.
The groom and the bride always get to know each other after the marriage. In arranged marriage, the priority is the family love never comes first. However, even if there was no love or passion between the couples, they never wind up getting a divorce. Love marriage is exactly the contradictory of an arranged marriage. In love marriage the individual themselves, choose whom they want to get married too. Their parents don’t chose whom their children well marry, and they don’t manage their children discussion.
Also in love marriage, the couple would already be familiar with each other.They know everything about each other and hold strong emotions towards one another. Nevertheless, divorce in love marriage is grown. In 2008 the divorce rate was 37%, and the rate is getting higher since then.
Love is always propriety in a love marriage. If love fads and there is no longer passion between the husband and the wife, they would get a divorce. To conclude, love marriage and arranged marriage are completely two separated nature of marriages. Nevertheless in my opinion both hold advantages and disadvantages, and in both marriages the couples have to work really hard to make it work.