I am inspired What is it that you really want to do? What is your own special dream that you want to live out? Do you believe your life is going to be a masterpiece like the Mona Lisa, or is it some smudged finger painting? Ultimately it begins with a choice. It begins with a decision that no matter what, you are going to live your life as a work of art by getting inspired from all the great people around you. TMOD, fellow TMs and guests What Is Inspiration? “To succeed you need to find something to hold on to, something to motivate you, something to inspire you. – Tony Dorsett Many people think of it as a quality that is elusive and can’t be forced, and yet it can be found if you choose to look for it.

Others think it’s a way to generate ideas, but it’s more than just idea it’s being moved to put those ideas into ACTION. Inspiration is all around, if you know where to look. When your life is chugging along slowly, without much enthusiasm, try these four places to put it back into high gear.1. Your country's flag.

No matter what country you live in, millions of patriotic men and women before you made sacrifices so you can enjoy a better life. Every time you see a flag, let it inspire you to vote, conserve energy or resources, or volunteer. Your country will be made stronger for the generations who follow you.2. Appliances and electronics.

Every man-made device you see in your home or at work started with an idea in someone's mind. Often it took the inventor years of struggle and development to make his dream a reality. If they succeeded, you can too. Every new idea is attacked by critics and naysayers. But when you look at your car, television, or refrigerator, let these successful products remind you that with enough hard work, dreams do come true.

A school building. When you see a school, think about all the teachers who dedicated their lives to your education. Remember too, that learning is a lifelong process. Curiosity keeps you young, while learning gives you direction. Thanks to the Internet and public libraries, you can become an expert in whatever subject you choose. When you see a school, be inspired to keep learning and creating new opportunities for yourself.

3. The newspaper comic page. Comics are one of the sweetest treats in life, like a Godiva chocolate for your mind.Reading the comics will not only provide you with much-needed laughter, but it will remind you that simple things can make a big difference. Speak a word of encouragement to someone, give a person a genuine compliment or just tell them you appreciate them.

People are starving for kindness and recognition. The comics will remind you that even the simplest act can help lift someone up. I know a man who read a sentence that changed his whole mental chemistry about being a father.When his son was about six years old this father happened to read these words: "A boy does not have to be shown a mark on the wall to measure up to when there is a man around about the size he wants to be. " He decided to so live that his example would be an inspiration to his son.

He didn't go off to the golf course and let the son grow up without him. He wasn't "too busy" to be a companion to his son. They played ball together, fished together, read books together, went to the circus together, attended church together. That father raised a fine son through the influence of an inspiring example.

What are some of the inspirational chemical elements that we can use to inspire others? Appreciation. Pass the praise along. Praise stimulates and results in improved work, for it increases a person's confidence. One feels that one "belongs," that one is on the team.. Praise your wife's pie and you'll have more and even better pies in the future.

Vision. Often we quit because the future is clouded. We feel there is no hope. It is as though we are trying to look into the future through a soot-covered window. Wash the window so that you can see through its gleaming surface into the months and years ahead.

Many a young person has been helped and inspired to carry on because someone has shown him or her the possibilities of the future. Faith. Most of all we need someone to have faith in us, especially when we meet with failures and reverses. Faith is a steadying quality. When someone believes in us and in the work we are doing we are greatly strengthened. Edison was sent home from school because the teacher said he was hopeless.

Years later Edison said, "I won out because my mother never for a single moment lost faith in me. " Love. The most wonderful inspirational chemistry we can use on one another is the gift of our love and acceptance.Devoted and unquestioned love has a magic creative power. The consciousness of being loved is an uplifting, saving, healing force that causes one to go on when otherwise it would be impossible to do so. Dear TMs, here in TM you don’t only learn how to become a public speaker, i don’t want to be public speaker,,in fact, its more than that,,, its a palteform of inspirations, where you inspired by so many different people who you never even met before Someone will inspire you to have your best friend back (books), use your time in long plane trips to finish an amazing book.

Another one will inspire you to be on fire and work with all your power to achieve your goals What you need is to turn the spark gained from the self improvement resources in TM into a roaring fire. A fire so powerful and independent that it will continue to burn strongly. So the next time you feel you do not have what it takes to accomplish that elusive goal, remember the inspirational thought of your fellow TMs. Pull out that fear and use it to drive yourself. And be inspired the way i am inspired by you.