An important topic in the late 1920’s was food. Since it was around the time of the Great Depression money was scarce and food was important for survival. In order to make money and beat competitors, companies had to get their products well known and keep their prices low. One way businesses did this was by either sponsoring a radio show or putting their product on paper, which was the beginning of advertising. This was significant since the radio was a new technology that allowed messages to be delivered simultaneously through transmitters with very little delay to everyone who owned one.

It was the main source of entertainment, like the television is today. There are many important aspects taken into consideration regarding how well a particular product did, including how healthy it was for you and how well it was marketed. In the post World War II era, a company that used such methods was Welch’s, who used them to promote their Grape Juice. In 1934, Welch’s started their eleven-year sponsorship with Irene Rich, a famous actress, who had her own radio show, The Irene Rich Show. [1] This was an excellent way to get the word across about Welch’s because according to Levenstein, “Radio supplemented the printed word.

[2] She appeared on several advertisements, as well as spoke about Welch’s Grape Juice on her radio show throughout that time. Since she was a female, the advertisements were generally directed towards the female gender but could also be for men too. [3] Irene’s messages attracted mostly women by promoting that Welch's Grape Juice helped her lose weight. The first advertisement headline said, "To Lose Ugly Fat"[4], which was what was so attractive. Advertising is the most important way to persuade the audience to buy that company's products.There are several ways to catch the attention of consumers so that they would want to buy that product.

Being skinny and eating healthy was a new trend in the 1920’s. As stated by Levenstein, “Ideals of feminine beauty changed markedly, as the heavily corseted matronly ideal of the late nineteenth century gave way first to the more lithe and athletic prewar Gibson Girl and then, in the early 1920s, to the positively “skinny flapper”. ”[5] Welch’s was selling their product to adult women because they were responding to this message and fashion designers clothes called for kinny women in that time period. Also, in the late 1920’s early 1930’s vitamins were new and added to the incline of this health kick.

Everyone wanted to eat and drink those products that had these very important vitamins in them, which additionally became a big seller for advertisements as well. Companies who sell products, like food or toys, would not attempt to introduce their good without promoting it first. The main goal of a business is to sell their goods and services; they do that by marketing the product through advertising.They use catchy phrases or famous actors/actresses/singers to get the consumers attention.

Welch’s used famous actress, Irene Rich, to promote their Grape Juice. By using that sales tactic women or those overweight want to buy Welch’s Grape Juice because someone famous used it. As a result it becomes a desirable item to have, even though the consumer wants the Grape Juice but does not need it. In addition, another way is by talking about how it can do something for you.

For instance, Welch's Grape Juice sold their product by explaining how it helps you lose weight.On their first advertisement in 1934 with Irene Rich, she said, "Here's the most amazing way to lose weight you've ever read about… No Strict Diet Lists; No Strenuous Exercises; No Distasteful Drugs”. [6] If you were reading this advertisement in the newspaper or in a magazine, you would want to drink this particular juice, especially if you wanted to lose weight by not doing anything. Taking care of one’s self was important then since the discovery of vitamins and being healthy was a main concern. As a result of this health craze it was important for companies to state why their products were good to attract buyers.In Paradox of Plenty, Levenstein states, “Manufacturers of fruit juices… claimed their products yielded “quick energy” yet were never fattening.

Welch’s grape juice was even more effective, so it seemed: Its predigested grape sugar actually “burned up ugly fat”. ”[7] Thus, relating back to the advertisement that it was important to have an billboard or commercial that could tell you specific details as to why their food product was better. Famous people in the 1920s and 1930s, like musicians and actors who were on broadcasted radio shows, were the best individuals to have associated with a particular product.Seeing that radio shows became so popular, those who starred in them became what is known as celebrity icons.

Just by being associated with a particular product, they created an image for that good that it was the best and everyone should have it. Today, celebrities are the most common way to market any good or service. For example, Hannah Montana, which is a popular TV show for children, and anything with Hannah Montana on it children will want and their parents will buy it for them. Those who were celebrities were looked upon as idols just like they are now.An example of this is Irene Rich. Welch’s sponsored, Irene Rich, a famous actress who had her own radio show.

As a result she was promoting their Grape Juice to consumers. In 1941, an ad appeared in The Milwaukee Journal that introduced the grape juice diet. Irene said in the Welch’s advertisement that this diet was: Unbelievably Easy to Follow: All you do is mix ? glass of Welch’s Grape Juice with ? glass of water and drink before meals and at bedtime. Then eat sensibly- which means you avoid overeating: thus reducing caloric intake considerably.Then this happens: First, this delicious drink satisfies your craving for rich, sweet foods… Second, the natural dextrose in Welch’s is quickly consumed, and by this process not only aids nature in consuming excess at but increases your energy.

That is why weight is lost naturally: why you not only look better but actually feel better; have more energy. [8] By using a well-known actress the product was better publicized than it could by a regular person. Radio broadcasts and paper advertisements were the best way to get messages to consumers until another technology was born, the television.Then, companies were able to advertise such messages as a picture or video instead of just sound.

In the late 1930’s the television was introduced to the world. Soon after its appearance children’s shows began to air in the late 1940’s. This was the perfect opportunity to target a different audience, children. By sponsoring popular children’s television shows, Welch’s was creating a cradle to grave advertising scheme. Kids highly influence their parents spending and once they become comfortably with a particular brand or product they tend to buy it their whole life.

There are many companies that use this cradle to grave approach with their products. Such items include popular bedroom furniture, lamps, sheets, toys, clothing, and especially food. The advertisements for Welch's Grape Juice has been on the rise since the company first began its advertisements. Although it was originally targeted towards women, it later on was introduced as a favorite children's juice. Welch’s from 1951 until 1962 sponsored many famous children’s shows including: the Howdy Doody Show, Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse Club, and The Flintstone’s television show. 9] Throughout those years a very important transformation occurred.

Almost 75 years since their first sponsorship of Irene Rich on the radio, Welch’s had their first child spokesperson air on a television commercial. This was a time when changing advertisements was very important. Welch’s had to revamp their whole approach of attracting customers because they were no longer trying to attract adults. By using a child broadcaster, they already have the attention of other children because they are around the same age.

Welch’s approach towards children was to say that it was a healthy juice drink that had all the necessary vitamins needed.Since children will want to drink Welch’s grape juice, parents will buy this product for their children because (1) their children want it and (2) they think it is a healthy juice drink that is good for their children. This change is a perfect example as to why advertisers always need to keep up and transform advertisements when any change occurs. As a result, the change Welch’s underwent was because of the market and the generation they were now targeting had changed. Welch’s advertisements have changed dramatically since the 1920’s.Ads were specifically targeted towards their main audiences; in the 1920’s till the 1940’s, it was adults whom were mostly women.

They were in black and white and usually had the one being sponsored somewhere on it dressed in the style of clothing they wore during that time period. Today’s advertisements for Welch’s Grape Juice are in color, on a television, and are targeted towards children. The children themselves are the ones doing the commercials to attract other children. Although Welch’s ads are mostly on television many companies have advertisements other places, as well as on the TV.Even when target audiences change, the type of advertisement and where it is aired or placed usually changes as well. Generally, most advertisements today are on billboards, the Internet, and even the food products themselves.

A company, like Welch’s, depends on advertisements to get the word of their products well known. In the 1930’s the most common way to advertise was through the radio and today it is either through the internet or a television set. Also, the target market group for this good has changed throughout the 20th Century.It has gone from advertising that it is an xcellent weight loss drink for women and sometimes men, to becoming a nutritious everyday juice drink for children that tasted good and included all the necessary vitamins needed.

If it wasn’t for advertising and sponsorships, companies would not be able to make as much profit as they do today. Marketing is constantly changing and developing to keep up with new technologies that are being introduced on a daily basis. If companies do not continue to modify and update their advertising ideas, their competition will dominate that market and supersede their company.