The poems Havisham By Carol Ann Duffy and The Laboratory By Robert Downing both convey strong emotions. In particular it is present in both the apparent emotion of bitterness. In Havisham the feeling of bitterness is portrayed because of the narrators feelings of being jilted before marriage. Conversely in The Laboratory there is an ambiguity of the bitterness within the plot. There is the bitterness claimed by the narrator towards her love rivals.

Nevertheless also the bitterness existing as extended metaphor of the revolutionists of the French revolution towards the French monarchy.In Havisham it is depicted the feelings of Mrs Havisham, a secondary character from Great Expectations By Charles Dickens, after having been jilted before marriage. Equally, in The Laboratory the main plot takes place as a eighteenth century woman plots to kill her rival in love. Nevertheless an extended metaphor is also present as it connects to the revolutionists that overcome the French Ancien Regime. One affective poetic device to portray the feelings of bitterness used within both poems is semantic field.In the poem "Havishman" the poet uses a semantic field of colour.

Such as her use of "dark green pebbles for eyes" in line three and "puce curses" in line nine of the poem. These particular connotations depict a rather grotesque atmosphere. This is shown as dark green is connected with jealousy. As she has connected this to eyes it portrays a more angered effect. Again linking to the view of bitterness.

Puce on the other hand, also links to bitterness. It is again a more darker and harsh colour.A depicted of purple and brown. This can be connected with feelings of hurt. On the other the use of semantic field in The Laboratory are different.

The poet Robert Downing uses grotesque atmosphere rather than colours as a more affective use of imagery. Such as in line 8 "moisten and mash" and in line 13 "gold oozings come. " Also depict as vivid imagery of grim atmosphere. This is due to the words more connected with disgusting happenings. This again links to bitterness as it reveals the disgust and want of the poet.

Nevertheless both poets use a semantic field of violence to show bitterness. Such as "devils-smithy" and "bite into its grace" in The Laboratory. Which conveys the bitterness and want for aggression towards her rival. This also links to the ancien regime which connects the bitterness of the revolutionists. Conversely this links to Havisham where lines appear as "wished him dead" and "b-b-breaks. " This shows the narrators hatred and want for violence towards her once fiance.

Both poems show angered towards another person.The structure of the two poems is also particularly important. Yet both poets use different techniques. In Havisham there is a use of enjambment throughout.

Such as "loves/hate" and "who did this/to me. " The connects to her fragility and illness, in that she can't control her mental state. It also connects to a stutter, in that she can't control her emotions. Perhaps an echo of her bitterness and heartbreak.

Yet The Laboratory uses a questions within its structure."That in the mortar you call it a gum" and can it ever hurt me? Throughout the questions become more and more abrupt which builds up tension within the poem and shows the narrators growing annoyance. It should also be noted within both, the use of first narrative female characters are used in both. This is particularly affective to portray bitterness. The use of first person conveys a more personal view of feelings. Furthmore the use of females is also a clever device, as the time settings to which these two women are present do not allow women to "have a voice" so to speak.

This allows womens feelings henceforth to be betrayed. Finally different devices are also used again in both poems. In The Laboratory the extended metaphor of the French revolution. This is a affective technique as not only does it portray the extent of the woman's bitterness but that of the people of the French revolution. In Havisham however there is a use of oxymorons such as "Sweetheart Bastard" and "Loves hate," which not only shows her feelings of bitterness and violence but also her feelings of love.

Showing that she had mixed emotions towards this man.