The corporate offices want to change over to a new customer relationship management solution. The corporate offices are currently setup with hardware that is [Clearer writing suggestion--Remove "that is"] out of date and does not support the new customer relationship management application. Here are five major variables of the project management that relate to the Hardware Replacement Project include: scope, time, cost, quality and [Check punctuation--insert a comma before this word if this is the last in a list of more than two--or if it begins a new clause] risk.There will be ["There will be" is an awkward phrase if "there" is not clearly a location] information on how these variables relate to the hardware replacement project.

There are [Avoid "there is," etc. ] considerations that need to be used when selecting the projects that will give the best value for the corporate offices and will be addressed. There will be [Avoid "there is," etc. ] information on the factors that might [Check word usage: Use "might" to indicate an uncertain possibility. Use "may" for a possibility almost a sure thing] cause the project risk and the strategies that will be recommending for minimizing the project’s risks.

The conclusion will identify the best practices for management of the hardware replacement project. Project Management “Project management activities include planning the work, assessing risk, estimating resources required to accomplish the work, organizing the work, acquiring human and material resources, assigning tasks, directing activities, controlling project execution, reporting progress, and analyzing the results” Laudon and Laudon (2009). The project management has five major variables that relate to the Hardware Replacement Project, which include scope, time, cost, quality, and risk.Scope The hardware replacement project, the scope might [Check word usage: Use "might" to indicate an uncertain possibility. Use "may" for a possibility almost a sure thing] include new computers and networking equipment to help the implement process as well as support the new customer relationship management application.

The project management assigns the work that is [Clearer writing suggestion--Remove "that is"] required [The passive voice is a form of "be" (is) and a participle (required). Over-use of the passive voice can make paragraphs officious and tedious to read.Try to use the active voice most often, e. . , the student completed the paper on time. The passive voice version--The paper was completed on time by the student--See eCampus > Center for Writing Excellence > Tutorials & Guides > Grammar & Writing Guides > Active & passive voice] for success on this hardware replacement project as well as make sure that the scope of the project does not get [Doctoral rule (although good advice for any academic writer)--"get" is informal English and can mean many things; in academic writing, use forms of "arrive at," "can," "could," "grows," "is able to," etc.

] bigger than what the initial cost of the project.Time [Typographical error: eliminate duplicate word (if on the same line)] is part of the project management duty. The project management will establish the amount of time required to finish the project. The workloads of the project are additionally broken down into activities and tasks. For the hardware replacement project the project management would need to create a schedule for completion of the work.

Cost Cost [Typographical error: eliminate duplicate word (if on the same line)] is usually figured [Passive voice] by the time it takes to complete a project and the daily cost of labor and human resources.The information systems costs are also include with the hardware, software, hours and [Check punctuation--insert a comma before this word if this is the last in a list of more than two--or if it begins a new clause] work space. I would suggest using a budget plan that would be made for the use of the hardware replacement project. IT can also be [Clearer writing suggestion--This is smoother as "also can be"] used to for future or continuous [Check spelling: "Continuous" means continuing unceasingly, constantly, all day and night; "continual" means frequent but not uninterrupted continuance] project expenditures.Quality Quality [Typographical error: eliminate duplicate word (if on the same line)] is the result of how well the final results [Redundancy--"results" is the final development, so "final" is unnecessary] of a project satisfy the corporate management. To improve performance and the decision making [Check spelling--if these two words function as an adjective, they should be spelled as a single hyphenated word] are the quality considerations for the information system projects.

The precision and timeliness of data generated by the new customer relationship management application, system, and the user-friendliness are also the quality considerations that can also be [Clearer writing suggestion--This is smoother as "also can be"] part of the hardware replacement project. Risk The risk refers to the possible setbacks that could harm the success of any project. The possible setbacks that might [Check word usage: Use "might" to indicate an uncertain possibility. Use "may" for a possibility almost a sure thing] put off [Slang: this can mean either "irritated" or "postponed.

Use another word] the hardware replacement project accomplishing its purpose by increasing costs and/or [This awkward construction is a shortcut appropriate in a legal document, not in academic writing] time.The setback could also lower the quality of project productivity, or stopping the project from being completed [Passive voice] altogether. Selecting Projects When selecting the projects that carry the best value for the corporation, costs and [Check punctuation--insert a comma before this word if this is the last in a list of more than two--or if it begins a new clause] benefits needs to be identified. Passive voice] How they will relate to the corporation’s information systems.

The substantial benefits can be calculated [Passive voice] right [Check word choice: Unless meaning a law or statute, "right" is an adjective (This is my right hand), but the adverb is "correctly" (I put on the gloves correctly)] away and given financial value, and insubstantial benefits cannot be immediately calculated [Passive voice] but may give a financial gain. The benefits that can go beyond costs ought to be analyzed by using a budgeting method that will make sure it represents on the corporation’s invested capital.The corporation should develop a systems plan. That will describe how technology can support the corporation’s overall [Wordiness: unless meaning denim work clothes, "overall" is general and vague and contributes little to the sentence] business plan as well as strategy.

With providing a case analysis [Check spelling: "analyze" is the verb; "analysis" is the noun] and scoring models that will evaluate other information systems projects. Factors Influencing Project Risk The project size, structure and the information systems staff and project team’s level of technical knowledge are the factors that influence project risk.Very large scale systems projects have a failure rate that is 50 to 75 percent higher than that for other projects because such projects are complex and difficult to control” Laudon and Laudon (2009). Strategies that will hopeful be able to deal with project risk and increase the chances of a successful system solution. Here are strategies I would recommend for minimizing the hardware replacement project’s risk, to employ project managers with strong technical and administrative experience for in case the new system’s technology proves to be challenging and complex.

Another option would be to outsource that department if the corporation does not have a technology department. Appropriate use of formal planning tools such as the Gantt or Pert charts for documenting and monitoring project plans are beneficial to large projects. Summary All [Try to eliminate "all" or "all of"; most often the meaning is the same without these words] that is [Clearer writing suggestion--Remove "that is"] left to do is identify the best practices for managing this project.In order to [Clear writing suggestion--the meaning will be the same (and less wordy) by removing "in order"] identify the best practice would be to manage change of the organization by using organizational impact [Doctoral rule (although good advice for any academic writer): "impact" is a noun (a hit).

It is informally used as a verb (impacting the business), but avoid this in academic writing ] analysis software or create one. The management support and the control of the installment process of the project are crucial. The mechanisms used for dealing with levels of risk in each new systems project.Project risks are usually predisposed [Passive voice] by the project size, project structure, and levels of technical expertise of the information systems and project team. The formal planning and the control tools: including Gantt and PERT charts can be used to track the resource locations and specific project activities. Users can be encouraged [Passive voice] to take some active roles [Check spelling--a "roll" is a buttered biscuit, a cyclic movement, or an attendance record; a "role" is a responsibility, assignment, mission, etc.

] in systems development and become involved in installation as well as training.Conclusion I have discussed the five major variables of the project management which [Use "that" for a restrictive phrase (or place a comma before "which")] include scope, time, cost, quality, and risk and how it relates to the hardware replacement project. Considerations that must be applied when selecting projects that carry the best value for the corporation have been evaluated. [Passive voice] I have also discussed the factors that influence project risk and the strategies that I would recommend for minimizing the hardware replacement project’s risks. The best practices for managing the hardware replacement project have also been identified.