Flag Fen was first discovered by Francis Pryer in 1982. This site has been excavated in many different areas and evidence of Bronze Age artefacts has been found. There also have been many interesting and very close interpretations of Flag Fen and its remains.

The most important remains found was the Post Alignment cutting rite through Flag Fen. Now, the Post Alignment was 2 rows of 4 wooden posts stretching to a staggering 1km! Dendrochronology shows us that the posts go back to a staggering 3,500 years roughly.The first interpretation of Flag Fen was a long house. The reason why it was thought to be a long house was because of the evidence found, for example: A large variety and amount of domestic waste was found - cooking pots etc.

However, archaeologists were driven away from this interpretation when they found a beetle called Denacia Impressa. Now this type of beetle was no ordinary beetle, it was only found in wet and damp places, this took them another step away from this interpretation. The beetle they needed to find was called Anobium Punctartum. The next let down was that archaeologists had actually discovered that the Bronze Age people lived in round houses so this fact totally took them of the interpretation that the Postal Alignment was a long house.The second interpretation was a causeway.

It was actually believed by archaeologists that the causeway was a linkage between 2 areas of dry land. But the strange thing about this was that why would there be 300 broken artefacts found on the right-hand side. Archaeologists thought that this may have been a religious so they dropped the idea of the causeway and moved on to the next interpretation.This interpretation was a very important interpretation. This was because the third interpretation was believed to be a religious site.

Because of water being the central of the Bronze Age, it was believed to be a pathway between life and death. Evidence was found of feastings and rituals were found along with some white sand which was thought to have been used with the rituals. There were many weapons were found but then later it was found out that the bronze age people broke the enemy's weapons in cause of a ritual humiliation.The last interpretation was a defence feature.

There was a very big sign of power when the post was seen so this was meant to scare off any intruders. Archaeologists have proven that the Bronze Age people had trade. Many artefacts have been found from all over the world for example: pottery from Germany was found along with a wheel from Switzerland.However, the only items which have not been found are boats.

Without this vital piece of evidence archaeologists cannot go on and to prove that the postal alignment was not a defence feature.So now I am coming to my conclusion to say that the reason why archaeologists changed their interpretation on Flag Fen was because they did not have enough archaeological evidence to prove that any of their interpretations were correct.