There are many different theories when it comes to motivating people. One theory by Frederick Winslow Taylor (1856 – 1917) put forward the idea that workers are motivated mainly by pay. His Theory was that workers do not naturally enjoy work and so they would need close supervision and control.

Elton Mayo (1880 – 1949) believed that workers are not just concerned with money but could be better motivated by having their social needs met at work.Mayo introduced the Human Relation School of thought, which focused on managers taking more of an interest in the workers, treating them as people who have worthwhile opinions and realizing that workers enjoy interacting together. Abraham Maslow (1908 – 1970) along with Frederick Herzberg (1923-) introduced the Neo-Human Relations School in the 1950’s, which focused on the psychological needs of employees.Maslow put forward a theory that there are five levels of human needs which employees need to have fulfilled at work. These levels included from bottom to top, physiological needs (hunger, thurst), safety needs (security, protection), social needs (sense of belonging, love), esteem needs (self-esteem, recognition status) and self-actualization.

The latter is used more in modern companies that want to see their employees do well and grow within the company.Organizational behavior has come far from the time of lincoln. Organizational Behavior is the study of individuals and their behavior within the context of the organization in a workplace setting. It is an interdisciplinary field that includes sociology, psychology, communication and management.

Where I work the store manager must take in the fact that not everyone is the same and that everyone has different emotions. My store manager was married about a year ago and he made sure to invite only certain people.Him being the store manager for over 6 years, made it easy for him to read the people that would get along with his family members. I remember him making these decisions and asking him at the time that its a wedding everyone is going to have fun. He said yes this is true but they still might have to sit next to each other.

So he had to study the behavior of his employees to make sure they would get along with his family members at his wedding.