In the ideal state and structure of the society, every individual, group or institution is expected to act, perform and interact in accordance to the ethical nature and perspective of each given situation.

Under this, each entity must duly observe the balance of interest in each situation considering the factors and elements involved in each circumstance thus equally satisfying the interest and benefit of each involved party. In line to this concept, important institutions particularly on the educational system must strictly apply this principle in their management system.This is mainly because educational institutions in particular are involved and interact with the society in promoting personal development through career and professional training thus, the application of ethical guideline is important in dealing and deciding upon critical matters and issues that are present in this aspect. The University of Phoenix in particular is an educational institution developed to promote career and professional training and development for the society.

The application of this purpose in the actual scenario involves many critical issues and complications due to the diversity and characteristics of the people that are involved in their environment. Dealing with these issues requires the observance of ethical standard to achieve effective and efficient decision results. On their actual application and process, several internal and external factors are likely to be encountered which can affect the ideal standard and operation of this institution particularly the four management concern of this institution.For example, complications in the organization and the opinion of the student body such as resistance to certain policies, problems due to diversity and others can significant affect the management function of the institution. Importantly, this issues and problems must also be addressed as they adversely hinder the ideal operation of the university yet, dealing with these problems is already complicated.

Said problems can alter the normative plan and schedule of the institution and affect the control of the management over their operation thus, adversely affecting the result of the university.In dealing with these adverse issues, the management must decide upon an effective decision and approach in achieving positive result for their situation. Contemplating upon this matter requires viewing the ethical nature of the involved situation on which doing so will provide the management with the effective and positive perspective upon the entire matter. Based from which, institutions such as the University of Phoenix can effectively handle and address complicated issues in their operation through considering the ethical nature and background of their situation and environment.