Early motherhood is not a new topic of discussion, but it is one that is constantly growing and affecting our young ladies lives daily. The concern of trying to find solutions to lower the percentage of young mothers is a world-wide epidemic. Let us take a look at the causes and effects, as well as the negative and positive aspects of early motherhood. In doing this, hopefully some solutions and possible preventions will be discovered and put into practice all the while ending this research on a positive note.It is time that we change the statistics of early motherhood.

The topic of early motherhood is one that is growing every day and it affects all young ladies. We have many younger grandmothers who are left to raise their grandchildren. Some young mothers are forced to drop out of school due to lack of family support, but there are others who do not have to drop out due tom having a very strong family support system. There are many programs available now to help prevent the negative outcome of early pregnancy.Although this is an unfortunate situation, it does not have to be all bad. There are positive aspects as well as negative, but the individual has to want to make the best of their situation.

You will learn through the research, the many statistics, and situations created from this issue. It will also show methods of prevention as well as coping methods. The focus will also be more on the positive side than the negative outcome of this growing epidemic. No, this is not a new topic of discussion, but it will be brought to you in a different manner.

Positive solutions and success stories for new live that are born is better than negative solutions and unsuccessful outcomes. Pregnancy in a female under the age of 20 is considered a teenaged or an under-aged pregnancy. Mothers between the ages of 15 and 19 risks are associated more with socioeconomic factors than with the biological effects age. World-wide teenage pregnancy rates range from 143 per 1000 in sub- Sahara African countries to 2. 9 per 1000 in South Korea. Teen births alone in the USA cost government $9.

1 billion per year, despite a drop in the rates.As a new parent (especially a young mother), it can be difficult to separate the real and useful advice from the useless or unimportant advice. You are worried that maybe you really do not know what you are doing and it is easy for someone else to convince you that you are putting your child in danger or are a terrible parent for doing something differently. Hauser (2008-09-07) Adolescents may lack the knowledge of, or have access to conventional methods of preventing pregnancy as they may be overly embarrassed or afraid to seek such information.

Slater(2000). Early motherhood effects the people around you as well. People like your parents, siblings, grandparents, and your friends. These are the people whom you look forward to being your support system.

Sometimes, this is not available to you and you have to depend on government programs. This is where the labeling starts depending on your race and the society you reside in. For African Americans, it is looked at as another welfare case and for the Caucasian Americans, they are look at as “poor white trash/ or trailer park trash”, as well as another welfare case.This type of labeling is wrong, but it goes on today.

However, this does not have to determine the turnout of your child(ren) or you. Life goals that have been set by you can still be accomplished if you strive for it and use others negativity as your motivation. The ready- made family is also an effect of early motherhood. There are a lot of step mothers and step fathers raising children from a previous relationship of their spouses.

This has proven to be positive in the way of the child(ren) be raised in a good nurturing home with two parents.Although it seems to be an unfortunate situation to most, it can also have a positive outcome as well. The common denominator with this issue is young mothers, but the difference is how they choose to deal with the situation. As mentioned before, there are many negative and positive aspects to early motherhood, but it is up to the mother as to which side she would be on. This decision comes with a lot of consideration for yourself as well as others and the effects of your decision.

Be a responsible young mother and raise a child with love and understanding. Becoming a mother, especially for the first time is not easy. It is life changing and may not always be the blissful fairytale that some make it out to be. Many moms experience the feeling of being overwhelmed, frustrated, tired and even feel a sense of failure. Teen pregnancy does not cause poverty, but it does depress their chances of escaping.

Either way, this is still an adjustment and life change, your hormones are changing once again, not like pregnancy was not enough.Your emotions are all over the place, you may have the baby blues and be very emotional. This can be a roller coaster a ride of up and downs. Crying one minute and feeling blissful the next, you are sleep deprived and hormones are out of whack. You could develop post- partum depression and PPD is more serious than most think, feeling a sense of loss after each births. Compared with children of older women, children of women who had their first birth during their teens have long been believed to be at higher risk for a host of poor health, social and economic outcomes.

Recent studies have failed to confirm this belief, but none have taken into account whether children’s outcomes or the effects of early motherhood on those outcomes have changed over time. Data from the National Longitudinal Survey of the Labor Market Experience of Youth and the Panel Study of Income Dynamics are used to separate the influence of changes from the 1960’s through the 1990’s in children’s experiences from the effect of mother’s age at the first birth.Multivariate analyses controlling for social and demographical characteristics show that among children born to women from a particular birth cohort, those whose mothers first gave birth in their teens have significantly lower scores on a set of four achievements tests and significantly higher scores on a behavior problem index than do children whose mothers delayed childbearing.However, when changes over time in children’s outcomes and in the effect of early childbearing on those outcomes are taken into account, children born to women who began childbearing early score significantly worse than those whose mothers delayed their first birth on the behavior problem index, but on only one achievement test.