In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, one of the main characters, Daisy Buchanan is perceived to be a very practical person.

When describing someone as being "practical" it means that they are being realistic. This means a person makes sensible decisions and choices, especially the types of decisions and choices that you have to make every day. This person has a level head and can weigh out the options without being consumed with the fantasy of the possibilities.When it comes to Daisy Buchanan she is definitely the type of person to make sensible decisions which are made every day and has a level head which weighs out the options without being consumed with the fantasy of possibilities. In this novel Daisy shows her practical side when they all go into town and Gatsby wants Daisy to tell Tom that she never loved him.

Daisy talks about the real reason why they moved to Chicago and is surprised that Tom didn’t share that “spree” with Nick, Gatsby, and Jordan. “Do you know why we left Chicago?I’m surprised that they didn’t treat you to the story of that little spree” (Fitzgerald 139). This is Daisy’s comment to show that Tom is not the man you want to be with. After making that comment Gatsby then proceeds to say, “It doesn’t matter anymore.

Just tell him the truth- that you never loved him-and it’s all wiped out forever” (Fitzgerald 139). Daisy has the decision to choose Gatsby and to tell Tom that she never loved him, but in the end she winds up telling Gatsby that at one time she really did love Tom. She tells Gatsby that she loves Gatsby now and asks him why it isn’t enough.After being extremely upset with the situation that has occurred and being put on the spot to choose Gatsby or Tom, Daisy gets extremely upset and runs off with Gatsby chasing her. They leave to drive home and Gatsby not using his common sense lets Daisy drive his car home while she is incredibly upset and mad. While making this idiotic decision Daisy ends up speeding and hitting Myrtle Wilson.

In total shock of what she has just done Daisy keeps driving and doesn’t bother to stop. After realizing that she hit someone in Gatsby’s car she doesn’t give Gatsby the time of day after the incident.This is a practical move on Daisy’s part. After the accident he does not hear from Daisy again or where she and Tom have now gone. We are not sure if they moved, went on vacation, or were just avoiding Gatsby. Another example of Daisy being practical is her sense of luxury and always needing someone in her life who has money.

Unless a man or person has money Daisy will not want anything to do with you. She left Gatsby and didn’t want to be with him because he went off to war, but also because he didn’t come from a family with money. “Her voice is full of money,” he said suddenly. “That was it.

I’d never understood before.It was full of money-that was the inexhaustible charm that rose and fell in it, jingle of it, the cymbals’ song of it…High in a white palace the king’s daughter, the golden girl…” (Fitzgerald 127). Daisy is quite the princess in this story. She is high maintenance and money is definitely something that she needs in her life.

When she sees that Gatsby is now a rich man and has the luxuries that she does, she now wants to be with him and see where things could potentially go. Also, another thing making Daisy practical is the fact that her husband Tom has affairs with different women which Daisy knows about.Given the fact that she is fully aware of Tom’s infidelities, she doesn’t do anything to stop him. He has power, money, and due to the fact that she deals with the immoral decisions that he makes, she receives benefits since he has money. She wanted her life shaped now, immediately- and the decision must be made by some force-of love, of money, of unquestionable practicality-that was close at hand” (Fitzgerald 159). Maybe Daisy likes the idea of Gatsby because she wants to do to Tom what he has been doing to her all along.

Daisy is also practical in the way that she introduces and talks about her daughter, Pammy. She says, “I hope she’ll be a fool, that’s the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool” (Fitzgerald 123). It seems as if she is saying that the world isn’t a place for women to be and that one should get by in life with looks rather than knowledge. She also treats Pammy as if she were an object or trophy that she wants to show off. “I got dressed before luncheon,” said the child, turning eagerly to Daisy. “That’s because your mother wanted to show you off.

Her face bent into the single wrinkle of the small white neck. You dream, you. You absolute little dream” (Fitzgerald 123). She seems as if she doesn’t have a care in the world about her. She just wants to put on a show.

Daisy really isn’t the type of woman that Gatsby remembers or wants, but he is so blinded by his obsession and dream of her that he will not face the truth. When it comes to being “practical” person, Daisy fits the description best. She is the type of person who makes sensible decisions and choices, especially the types of decisions and choices that you have to make every day.