Communication and Collaboration Strategies for People with Different Learning Styles and Personalities For this paper, I am pretending that I am placed in a group to do a presentation on the nature versus nurture dilemma in Psychology. Based on my Personality assessment, I have discovered that my personality strongly reflects the nature of an adventurer and also an organizer.

My second team member Larry showed that he was more of a giver and also a thinker with an adventurous side, and my third team member Nicole, showed that she was an organizer, and also a thinker.Utilizing the Pathways assessment, we discovered that I am a verbal- linguistic learner, Nicole is an intrapersonal learner, and Larry is an interpersonal and visual learner. With a group this diversified, we all have to understand how each other operate in terms of learning and also communication. We also have to find the best way to come together as a group, accomplish our goal of being successful in this presentation. People perceived as good thinkers are always conjuring new ways to achieve their tasks.

They are excellent at problem-solving, and always apply various ideas to overcome whatever obstacles they may face. They look at the entirety of any situation and consider every option and suggestions. Nicole and Larry excelled in this area more than I did, so the group decided that they would be in charge of coming up with the different topics for our presentation. Thinkers are also able to pick sense out of nonsense, and formulate some kind of logics to raw information.

After we all did our research, Larry and Nicole sat down and divided all the raw information. Then she and Larry decided which information was important and necessary. Nicole and I were better at organizing than Larry was, so we were responsible for putting all the research together, and giving it some sense of order. As organizers, Nicole and I are very reliable, and function much better in a structured environment. We pay special attention to every detail, and try to be as neat as possible while following some sort of plan.Nicole was also responsible for setting up meeting times, and locations, and I was in charge of dividing up the rest of the work.

With the help of Larry we finalized our plans on how we would do our presentation. On occasions when Nicole and I had problems because we didn’t agree with each other’s ideas when it came to how we execute our plans, Larry used his excellent skills to be the mediator between our squabbles, and helped us to find common ground most of the time. As a giver, Larry was always honest and never biased.He was open to all our ideas, and helped us to see each other’s point of view. He was a good negotiator, and he was very helpful when the group was in need of anything.

When time came for us to start our hands-on planning, my adventurous side came out. I thought of ways to liven up our presentation. Our researched material, and written project was very good, but I believed that our presentation would have been more appealing to our audience if we had graphs and diagrams, and questionnaires and just on a whole get our audience to interact with us and take part in our presentation.Doing this, we would be able to reach out to people who learned differently. For our presentation, I decided that for each of our individual parts, we could present in such a way that reflected our individual learning styles. So I delivered my part verbally.

I analyzed the information, and used my own words to fully explain the topics and terms. I handed out summarized versions of the entire presentation, so everyone could follow me and make his or her own notes while I debated the topic.I was also very careful to highlight the important topics, and color coded each section so it was easy to find and follow. This allowed me to reach out to all the verbal linguistics like myself.

Nicole, who has an intrapersonal personality, gave her gathered thoughts on my perception of nature versus nurture. She used our charts and Diagrams to give an in-depth explanation. She also gave various synopses and allowed other students with intrapersonal skills to visualize and imagine the different kinds of examples we had.This allowed them to reflect on what Nicole was saying, and helped them to relate to the information. Larry who is an interpersonal and visual learner, also used graphs and diagrams, to present his portion. He also created a little play to further explain the nature versus nurture topic.

The play allowed people who learned like him to visualize what he was saying. He also entertained questions and discussions from the class at the end of the presentation about our presentation, and delivered excellent answers.In doing what Larry, Nicole, and I did, we were all able to work together while using our individual skills. This brought us together and allowed us to have a successful group presentation in which we learned in our own individual way, but we also got a chance to improve our weak areas during the other team member’s presentation in his or her own learning style. We were also able reach out to different kinds of people in our audience who all think differently, and process information in different ways.