In this task I will be discussing how two different businesses such as Carphone warehouse and dogs trust are organised. All sorts of businesses has to have a structure of some sort which means the business could be really big or small could be voluntary, private, public, national or global business but it still have to have a structure for it to run smoothly.
By forming a business structure this allows the workers who to take instructions from and who is in control of them and People need to also know who they can turn to for support or discuss any concerns or issues bothering them.The type of structure that that most business use is a Hierarchal structure. A business could choose to act in Autocratic or Democratic way. An Autocratic owner tends to act in dictatorship manner. This is associated with giving orders and little to know involving people down the hierarchal structure with decisions. Managers who just want to get the work done would prefer this approach.
Managers who encourage creative and positive thinking would most likely go for a democratic approach to obtain these results. A democratic owner would involve everyone with decisions and try to make everyone involved.No particular structure is right out the two because a Democratic owner would have to be Autocratic sometimes, for example when the employees and the workers don’t do so well on a task he might have to be firm and give orders. Keywords Delegation – it means having the power to carry out the orders and to give orders to under superiors Authority - It means the power to tell people what to do and enforce obedience Empowerment – is the act of giving people responsibility in an organisation. You giving people the ability to make choices.
Span of control-A span of control is the number of people who report to one manager in a hierarchy.The more people under the control of one manager the wider the span of control. Less means a narrower span of control Hierarchy – the different levels and sections in an organisation. Chain of command- the way in a business the person at the top of the hierarchy has the most power and as it goes down people have less and less power.
The diagram usually used to illustrate a hierarchical structure is a tree diagram:- There are advantages and disadvantages to a hierarchical type of structure and some of these advantages and disadvantages are:- Advantages:-Larger organisations must manage a variety of diverse tasks, ranging from human resources and accounting to marketing and purchasing. The hierarchical structure divides these areas of concern into various department configurations that specialise. Specialisation allows organisations to concentrate particular skill sets and resources to achieve maximum efficiency. In a hierarchical structure, members know to whom they report and who reports to them. This means that communication gets channelled along defined and predictable paths, which allows those higher in the organisation to direct questions to the appropriate parties.
It also means that individuals tend to know who does and does not possess the authority to assign or change tasks. A clear chain of command also generates clearly defined sets of responsibilities. Military structures rely heavily on this division and assignment of responsibility and authority to maintain discipline. Disadvantages:- Hierarchical structures tend to adapt slowly to changing needs. Governmental organisations, for example, frequently come under fire for maintaining layers of bureaucracy that inhibit change.
Organizations that cannot adapt to new market demands or advancing technologies in pace with or ahead of other organisations often end up marginalised. This problem affects enough organisations that an entire field of study, called change management, has developed. In theory, organisations pursue a goal or goals as a unified team. The departmentalising of specialisations leads, in some cases, to decisions made to benefit a department rather than the organisation goals. Flat organisation structure:- A flat organisation refers to an organization structure with few or no levels of management between management and staff level employees.The flat organization supervises employees less while promoting their increased involvement in the decision-making process.
Tall organisation structure:- A tall organisational structure is when multiple layers of management between the executives and the floor or front line employees. This means communication takes longer to travel down and may never reach the people at the bottom such as the front level employees. This is called a long chain command. More people between the top and the bottom leads to long chain of command.
There are other types of structures such as a pyramid structure.This type of structure has three levels:- Executives Managers Staff There are typically three major levels in pyramid organizational structure: executives, managers, and staff. The idea is that power decreases as you go down the pyramid. The idea behind the structure is that each upper level is able to function because of support from the lower parts of the business. The main primary reason for this type of structure and pyramid is to make sure that the lower level employees known as staff follow the commands of people at the top of the structure Along with the levels in the pyramid organisational structure.There are different types of pyramid structure.
One of them is a functional organisational structure the company arranges its departments by various functions like finance, accounting and marketing. People recognised by their title such as accounting manager. A department store uses a structure in which departments are differentiated through their product type. Therefore people have names like manager of deporting goods, or manager of selling goods. Companies that use a matrix type structure uses both functional and department product structure.
The benefits of a pyramid structure is that In a functional organizational structure the company arranges its departments by various functions like finance, accounting, marketing and engineering. Managers may hold titles such as marketing manager or finance manager. Department stores often use a product organizational structure in which departments are organized by product types. Therefore, titles such as vice president of housewares or manager of sporting goods are common.
Companies that use a matrix structure combine both of these structures.