The case study centred around a successful newly appointed project head, Bob Knowlton. Bob recently received the position from his friend and former project head, Dr Jerrold. All was going well until a new member, Simon Fester joined the team.

Simon soon proved to be more capable and more idealistic than Bob and his team in every aspect. In the short term, his knowledge and idealistic nature proved to be an asset to the team. As the case goes on, we can say that Simon eventually overshadowed his peers and became more and more distant. The group started to break and eventually, Bob Knowlton resigned because he felt threatened by his own colleague which is Simon Fester.Dr. Jerrold was stunned by Bob’s action for he had always felt his relationship with him had been warm and that Bob was satisfied and, as a matter of fact, quite happy and productive.

The photon lab was hard hit, the leadership of the lab was given to Link, the mathematician of the group, with the understanding that this would be temporary until someone could come in to take over.ProblemBob Knowlton suddenly quits his job and found a better position with slightly better salary. But, Jerrold and Fester felt shocked on Knowlton’s decision. No one knew why Knowlton abruptly left the photon lab. Now, the lab’s project is in jeopardy.ObjectivesTo identify the factors that triggered Bob Knowlton’s action To understand the behaviour of each person involved in the case which resulted to the stated problem To provide actions that can help avoid the likes of Bob Knowlton’s decision in the future.

Areas of ConsiderationBehavior of the actors that contributed to the problem/conflict: Knowlton: - Introversion: He enjoyed quiet and private time going over work by himself. He seldom voice out what he thinks/ opinions. He did not express his own emotions/ difficulties to others as he dislike conflict with the team members. - Responsible: Knowlton has a strong sense of responsibility and duty. He takes his responsibility seriously and seldom say "no" when asked to do something. - He values harmony and cooperation, he more likely to be sensitive to other's feeling.

He value to work as a team rather than do it alone. - Bob's dismissal of his insecurities and failure to share his concerns with Dr Jerrold. He agreed for Fester to work with him even though he was hesitant to have him in his group from the beginning.Fester: - Extroversion: He went to meet Knowlton on his own. He always voice out/ present the solution on the problem of what Knowlton and the group unable to solve.

- Idea people: People who see possibilities everywhere, Fester will get excited when he get solution and spread his idea to Knowlton even though it's 2am in the midnight. - Fester is a fluent conversationalist, mentally quick and enjoy verbal sparring with others. - He was a genius. His position was obvious as a problem solver but he was bad with teams and preferred to work individually. He ended up undermining the value of his team mates and made very low remarks about them.

Dr Jerrold: - Good motivator: He told Knowlton that sky is the limit for a man that can produce. - Selfish: He didn't consider the effect/ feeling for putting Fester into Knowlton's group without communicating with Knowlton and his team. - Dr Jerrold insistence for Bob to have Simon Fester on his team even though Bob was dropping hints of not wanting him - Dr Jerrold's position on "he who produces, gets ahead" stance can threaten those in leadership. His obvious closeness towards Simon Fester (leaving the office together, long lunches, getting feedback directly from him) undermined Bob's position and authority among his team members and especially on Fester.

Organizational characteristics:This organization mainly lack of leadership training and informal communication emerge. Dr Jerrold unable to communicate effectively about his goal especially with Knowlton. Knowlton also can't communicate openly with others. Through informal communication might have meaningful interpersonal relationship but it will cause conflict between each other on what is related to the job. The circumstances that may have contributed to the problem or conflict: Bob Knowlton's appointment as a project head was new and he was still enjoying this when Simon Fester came along and made him uncomfortable Dr Jerrold's inability to foresee the consequences of negative team dynamics and his ignorance to what was happening in general Dr Jerrold's taking decisions based on what Fester had told him rather than asking him to take his concerns to Bob, the project manager Bob's interview of the members of the group while excluding the opinions of Link (the mathematician working with Fester) and Fester himself.Mistakes:Simon Fester was individualistic and was harsh towards team members.

Although his contributions were valuable, he should have worked on his interpersonal skills to develop a better group attitude or made to work on a different project entirely Bob did not affirm his opinion or stance and simply agreed to whatever Dr Jerrold said. He also should have done the presentation to the sponsors even if he was to hand over to Fester halfway. Dr Jerrold could have shown confidence in Bob's authority. He should have clarified the plans he had for Fester and if he didn't have any, he could have involved Bob in the process Dr Jerrold and Bob failed to address the lurking issues and to speak to the rest of the team whose morale by then was low. Their input was just as valuable and they needed to know this Dr Jerrold could have insisted that Fester took his concerns to Bob first to show his support to the chain of command. Bob gave up too easily.

After all, he was in the 'new guy' position just 2 years ago and could have reacted differently.RecommendationI highly recommend that Bob Knowlton should talk to Dr Jerrold regarding his issue with Simon Fester and discuss the disturbance this has caused to the team. He should have done this a long time since Fester entered the company. By having this type of conversation it will also let Dr Jerrold realize that he was also at fault for such outcome. As the boss in that particular organization, he should know better of how to avoid this kind of conflict among the workers.

First thing first is that Dr Jerrold should have introduce or at least tell Knowlton some details and information about Fester at the first place so that Knowlton would be more prepared and understand of the real situation that is happening around the organization. This is where the lack of communication emerged.The reason why at the end of this case the team doesn't has any leader is because Dr Jerrold kept too many information to himself and that can really affect the whole organization. He did not tell Knowlton about the offer that Fester got to join the Air Force project. So by Knowlton not knowing anything about the whole situation has made everything become so awkward and for that reason he had left the organization without knowing the truth.

Where else Knowlton, the problem with him is that he was scared that by telling the truth about Fester, he would put his job in jeopardize. So he chose to keep all the disturbance into himself. But the truth is, by not saying it has made everything become much worst.Knowlton did not say anything to Dr Jerrold when his irritation started to rise. Thus, Dr Jerrold was not able to see the problem and it prolonged until the end.

If Bob had already resign, Dr Jerrold should write him a letter suggesting him to come back to work without Fester but also giving Bob a long vacation holiday. Respect and consideration of feeling about others should be taken place and Jerrold should encourage their members to voice out their opinions. Jerrold should also involve all of them in organisation planning, decision making and problem solving so that it will makes everyone feel themselves as a part of the team. In conclusion, communication between each of the employees and employers is important so that it won't cause any hard feeling and uncomfortable feeling and will brings out harmony and everyone feel being value.