There is a well framed definition of deep space network both nationally and globally which we need to bring it out before we progress in our discussion of deep space networks.

Deep space network commonly abbreviated as DSN refers to an international network of facilities of communication which supports interplanetary spacecraft missions, radio and radar observations in astronomy for exploring the solar system and the universe as a whole and selected Earth-orbiting missions DSN is best known for its radio antennas. (Schier, 2008) DSN comprises of deep space three communications facilities placed approx.120 degrees apart around the entire world. These Communications are:• The Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex located in the outskirts of Barstow California in the US.• The Madrid is also a Deep Space Communication Complex which is 60 Kilometers westwards of Madrid in Spain.• The Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex Abbreviated as CDSCC found in the Australian Capital Territory and us approx.

40 Kilometers Southwest Of Canberra in Australia near a Nature Reserve.All of these facilities are situated in semi-mounts, curve shaped terrain like a bowl inorder to protect against the interference of radio waves. Since its placed strategically it permits the constant viewing of the spacecraft as the rotation of the earth takes place and makes the DSN the most sensitive and largest telecommunications categorized as scientific in the whole world.Since the NASA’s explanation of science of the Solar system is being made possible largely through the successful use of unmanned planetary spacecraft, DSN gives way to a crucial double way link in communication that controls and directs the planetary explorers, and brings in back the images and new developments and information they collect.

(David, 2005) We also need to name these antennas which we have mentioned that DSN is best known for each of the above deep space communications. Each of the above deep space communications comprises of at four at least terminals that are deep spaced and well sited with ultra sensitive receiving end-systems and conspicuous parabolic antennas shaped like dishes and are large.These antennas are:34 meters diameter High Frequency antenna which is one in number.34 meter Beam Waveguide antennas which can be one or more than one.

They are normally three at the Complex of Goldstone and two at the Complex of Robledo which is situated in the neighborhood of Madrid and one is also located at the Canberra Complex26 meter antenna which is one in number and the;70 meter antenna also one in number.The five forming part of 34 meter antennas with beam wave guided were included to the solar system late ninety’s. Three of them were situated at Goldstone one of them situated at Canberra and Madrid. The other which was 34 meter waveguide beam antenna was completed at the Madrid Complex in the year 2004 and emerged to be the networks sixth. History The forerunner of Deep space Network was established in 1958 in January when Jet propulsion Laboratory under contract of the US army then deployed portable radio tracking stations in various countries including Singapore and California.They were to receive and execute telemetry including plotting the path or orbit of the army explorer launched and which was the first US satellite.

NASA was officially established in October 1958 January to consolidate the separately developing exploration space programmes of the Army, Navy and the Airforce into one civilian organization. In December 3rd 1958 the Jet Propulsion Laboratory was moved from the Army and to NASA and was tabled the core task to design and execute the lunar and planetary exploration programmes using controlled remote spacecraft and not long after the transfer of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory to NASA and since there NASA came up with the idea of Deep Space Network as a solely and Independently controlled and manipulated communications program that would take into consideration all the missions which are deep spaced and thus eradicating the dire need for each flight assignment to have and run its personalized and specialized communication network in space. (Schier 2008)The DSN was given the responsibility to conduct investigations, create and running of the system in collaboration of all its stakeholders making this idea to become a world leader and still is today in the creation of less noise receivers and the big shaped parabolic antennas shaped like dishes, sensing of data, executing programs, telemetry, non-analogue signal creation and navigation with deep space features. Purpose NASA’s investigation of science of the solar system is being made possible by majorly the use of unmanned spacecraft.The Deep Space Network provides the dual way crucial communications connector which executes and gives direction explorers who tour the planets and come back with findings and new ideas and information which is scientific in nature. All Deep Space Networks are characterized by antennas with steerable and parabolic shaped reflector antennas.

The DSN antennas and executable systems of data taking make it have a means of acquiring information from spacecraft be able to take commands to the spacecraft and Perform the Very Long Interferometry baseline visible observations, be able to Track commands to the spacecraft, measure variations in the radio waves for science radio programmes, guide and supervise the progress of the network and aid in gathering science data.The network is the facility of Jet Propulsion Laboratory and is operated and managed by California Institute of Technology on behalf of NASA. The biggest antennas of the Deep Space Network are normally needed when there emerges spacecraft emergencies. In practice almost all spacecraft are designed to so that it’s day to day executions may be done on the minute antennas of the DSN since they are economical but when there is an emergency the largest antennas are very crucial since a spacecraft in danger can be compelled to utilize not more than its day to day transmitter power, supervision of attitude cases may come before the use of the biggest gain antennas and bringing back the entire section of telemetry is really crucial in analyzing the health of the spacecraft and making plans for the recovery.

(Theodore, 2005)The ability to array several antennas was put into incorporation to change value the brought back data from voyage Neptune-2 launching and largely was used for the Galileo Galilee Spacecraft during its launching and got problems associated to its antenna. The array electronically makes a connection to the 70meter antenna at the DSN Complex found in California and has a similar antenna being located in Australia which adds to the to the two 34 meter antennas at the complex in Canberra. These two sites were used to pick up communications with Galileo during that particular period.Arraying of Antennas within the three Deep Space Network Locations also is used e.g.

a seventy meter antenna plate dish can be matched or arrayed with a thirty four meter dish but for vital missions especially like the Voyager two explorer, the seventy meter dish in Canberra may be paired with similar group of antennas which is very large in Mexico and also two or more of the 34 meter dishes are commonly arrayed together for effective functioning.Normally all the stations are operated without considering the location and are done from a central Center for Signal Processing at each Building. All the points serve to house the electronic complex systems that guide and direct all the antennas, they get and execute telemetry data, they come up with the spacecraft movement data and transfer commands. When data has been done with in the complexes i.e.

processed it is transmitted to Jet Propulsion Laboratory for more processing which leads to distribution to stakeholders who are the researchers over the established modern information network, usually satellite executions.